77. *Enzo's Plan*

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Back in Massimo's mansion, Enzo was trying to lift Maya's mood because apparently she had been sulking because of how Massimo had behaved with her yesterday night.

She had tried to make him submit to his feelings, but the damn bastard seemed really adamant! Maya wanted to pull her hairs at the moment, that man was really getting on her nerves now.

"I don't understand why you guys give him so much importance." Bianca said rolling her eyes. She had been noticing how Maya's behaviour had changed. Earlier, she would not let any guy affect her, but now it was a completely different story. Something is wrong with Maya! Bianca thought.

Hana who was not so quietly munching on her snacks, gave Bianca a side eye. "Um no offence but oppa is the capo, so he is important."

Aurora who had also joined them earlier, was just like always listening to them without giving any of her input. To some it might look weird having Aurora in their group since she was the daughter of De Luca, who wanted her to marry Massimo. But she had made it very clear from the beginning how she had no interest whether she got married to Massimo or not. Instead she was now more curious / anxious about new things that she had started to experience ever since she had met these people, especially Maya.

All of these feelings it was new to her. Something she had never thought she'd feel. But she couldn't deny them no matter how much she tried. Especially with Maya being in her presence. 'Hmmm...is someone building feelings for Maya?'

"You know what I've an idea." Enzo said. "Although I know Massimo might kill me if he ever found out." He chuckled but shivered inwardly thinking about Massimo's reaction.

"Oh now I'm listening." Hana said, abandoning her half eaten snacks on the table and completely turning her attention towards what Enzo had in mind. They were all currently inside the gaming room.

"What do you've in mind?" Bianca asked. By now Amanda also had his attention. Now all of them were looking at him with curiosity even Aurora.

Enzo smirked. All the fear that he had of Massimo finding about his idea, disappeared when he saw them all looking at him as if he had answers to all of their unanswered questions. Stupid Enzo!

"Are you going to speak, or just going to look at us with that weird smirk of yours." Bianca didn't know why but teasing Enzo or making a fool of him in front of others, especially when he thought he was oh so smart, it would give her a sense of satisfaction.

"Good things take time bella. Have patience." Bianca knew what bella meant and she didn't like how it made her stupid heart feel when Enzo called her that.

Maya's P.O.V

I didn't know what Enzo had in mind, but whatever it was I just wished it didn't backfire on us. I asked him as to what plan he had now, but he wasn't ready to tell me anything. He just kept on saying 'Just wait & watch tesoro.'

"If the plan involves me, don't you think I should probably know about it." I said as a matter of fact. And I guess it worked, because a look of realization passed through his eyes.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now