11. *Going Out*

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Maya's P.O.V

I knew that all of the men in Massimo's mansion were dangerous but never had I ever thought that something like that could happen with me. Sexual assault and abuse was something I had only heard about and encountered some of the victims as well at the hospital, but I had never experienced it by myself.

What had happened with me yesterday was just a small trailer of what could've happened to me if it wasn't for Massimo. I couldn't even think about it. His disgusting face and sickening hands were still fresh in my mind. Although what had happened wasn't even near to what so many other girls had to go through but still abuse was abuse.

Also, I got to see the entirely different side of Enzo. Once he found out about what had happened he was so angry. He was looking like a volcano that was about to explode. For a moment I myself got a little scared but I knew that his anger wasn't directed towards me.

After trying so hard, he finally gave up the thought of killing that bastard. But he admitted that he wouldn't let him go just like that. He promised me that he would make him suffer.

What another thing surprised me as well was how Massimo had reacted. I saw the way he was beating him. The fierce look in his eyes, it was as if he was ready to kill. Even his men didn't dare to interrupt him. He was already very dangerous and intimidating but at that time he was looking even more dangerous.

But when his eyes landed on me it vanished. His dark dangerous aura it vanished as if it wasn't there at all and in its place was a concerned, soft and vulnerable look. I couldn't help but to stare at him. He made me forget about my surroundings or about what had happened just a while ago. I felt myself froze when all of a sudden he hugged me. But I couldn't help myself when I felt his strong arms wrapped around me gently and soon I hugged him back.

What's even more surprising was his soothing words that made my heart felt nice and safe. I knew he was my kidnapper but I sensed pure sincerity in his voice when he said that he wouldn't let any harm come to me. Even if I wanted to believe it or not but the truth was that something changed in that very moment.

Well....back to the present. I was in the living room right now with Zozo and the old ladies. Those two had no idea about what had happened yesterday because I didn't want them to get unnecessarily worried about me and besides I didn't want to make it a big deal & I just wanted to forget about it. Both Zozo and Massimo had given me the disapproving glare when I had told them that it wasn't a big deal. But they both agreed with me as they also didn't want to bother those two innocent old souls.

"I'm getting really bored! It's been five days since I'm here. Please let's go outside." I pleaded to Zozo.

"Tesoro you know Massimo wouldn't allow you to go outside and if you're bored let's do something fun here inside." He said to which I just narrowed my eyes at him.

"No! I don't want to do anything inside. I wanna go out! I'm in Italy for god sake! Instead of showing me the beautiful places here, you people are locking me inside." I said irritatingly.

"It's not upto me tesoro. I'm just following my boss's orders." He said as he shrugged innocently.

"I don't even understand. I've been here for five days now. Have I ever even for once tried to escape? And besides you've so many men. It's impossible to get away from under their noses." I said as I grabbed his hands and gave it a little squeeze.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now