21. *Someone's Jealous!*

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Maya's P.O.V

Next day, that is after the grand party everything was back to how it was. The decorations were gone, there were no unfamiliar people anymore. The only two people who stayed behind were obviously Romano twins, Marcos and Marcelo. Even though they both had their own businesses to attend they said that since they were here there was no harm in spending some more time with their family.

Last night was fine. Okay not fine because it was super fine given the fact that I had gotten to eat so many tasty Italian dishes. If we eliminate the time where I had that dance with Massimo the whole night was pretty good. 'You sure that part wasn't the best part of the night?' I ignored my subconscious mind just like always.

I also got to spend time with Marcos & Marcelo, and let me tell you they both were such a great company. Especially Marcelo. He was just like someone with whom you wanted to go & party all night. He was an entertainer. While Marcos just like how I had said earlier was a complete gentleman, but if he wanted to he could be a good company as well. All in all for me they both were just like Enzo, with whom I could be comfortable with unlike a particular someone.

It surprised me how they both were his brothers but then again Mr. Romano was his father as well but he was nothing like him. 'Looks like he's adopted.' I shook my weird thought away.

It was around 11 am. Since the party had ended late, I slept till 10 this morning. I walked out of my room and made my way downstairs. As I stepped on the last few stairs I heard voices coming from the dining room so I made my way towards there.

When I reached close to the dining room I could clearly hear the voices now. An involuntary smile came up on my lips when I heard Marcelo's voice and then everyone chuckled at whatever he said.

I halted a little in my steps when I noticed him as well in the dining room sitting on his head chair. I continued moving and their voiced died down when they noticed my presence.

The first person with whom my eyes met was Martha who gave me her as usual motherly smile. I smiled back at her.

"Oh great that you're here as well." Martha said. "We wanted to call you down but then I thought to let you rest since you went to bed late last night." She gestured me to come sit on the chair which this time thankfully wasn't next to Massimo. It was Marcos and Marcelo who were siting on either side of him. Beside Marcos was siting Enzo and the seat next to Marcelo was empty so I made my way towards that chair and sat down.

"Good morning everyone." I greeted. As I sat down on my chair only then I noticed that Marcelo wasn't wearing anything on his upper body. He was only wearing his gray sweatpants.

Now, don't take me wrong. I obviously had seen tons of naked torsos well more than that because I was a nurse. But because of being in my professional mode I had never really noticed a man's body in that way before but now being a nurse was the last thing on my mind. I couldn't help but to gave side glances towards his naked torso. And oh good lord! He had abs. Not 4 but 6 well-defined abs! Because of sitting next to him I could even feel his body heat and smell his manly cologne. 'Are you crushing on the younger twin now?'

I blushed at my thoughts and shook my head inwardly and tried to focus on my breakfast. I was a girl after all! I was bound to react this way. It wasn't as if I was flirting with him or anything I was just peeking.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now