8. *Brotherly Love*

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Enzo's P.O.V

I groaned as I felt pain in my leg. 'La fottuta mafia russa! Whoever it is that has helped them to get inside our territory is going to pay so hard!'
(The fucking russian mafia)

I saw the anger and a hint of disappointment in Massimo's eyes when we figured out that it was someone from the inside. Massimo had done so much for his famiglia mafiosa since he got the position as the mafiosa capo. He always treated all of his men equally, provided them with every luxury, gave them everything and now just thinking about any of them betraying him, made him feel angry and disappointed.
(Mafia Family)

Right now we were in his office discussing about the traitor. About how to find him & then punish him.

"Who do you think it could be? I mean we have hundreds of men here. How are we going to find the traitor?" I said in a serious tone. The pain in my leg is much better now. Thanks to tesoro!

"I know it's going to be difficult but it's not impossible. We'll find the traditore del cazzo and then he'll be sorry for betraying me & my famiglia!" He said thorough gritted teeths.
(Fucking traitor)

We then discussed about how we were going to find him and what we would do to him. By the end we both were a bit satisfied about what we had planned for the traitor. I noticed how he had been a bit rent less throughout our discussion. At first I thought it was because of what happened but now I felt like there was something else or should I say someone else.

"So what's bugging you Massimo?" I said.

"What do you mean? Don't you know? After what happened you're still asking me what's bugging me?!" He said irritatingly.

I shook my head dismissively. "No no I'm not talking about what happened today, it's something else I can see that on your face." I said.

He sighed heavily. "What're you implying Enzo? Don't play riddles. Say it clearly."

"Maya. Is it clear enough or do you want me to elaborate?" I said. A smirk came up on my lips when I saw his facial expressions getting changed for a moment.

"What about her?" He said with a blank face. But I was his best friend I could tell he was just masking his real expression.

"You tell me. After all it's you whose mind is always filled with her thoughts." I said amusingly. I almost laughed when his eyes widened for a millisecond as if he just got caught but then it was back to normal.

"I don't know what cause your shitty mind to think like that but I have so much other important things to do then thinking about a girl who's as important as nothing to me." He said in his hard cold voice.

I scoffed. "Ya right, whatever floats your boat." With that I stood up from my seat. "I'm going to do my duty as her bodyguard now. I already know what makeup story I'm going to tell her so don't worry." I started moving towards the door and as I was about to exit I turned around and said, "By the way thanks for appointing me as her bodyguard. I don't even realise when time flies by in her presence. She's just damn good!" I ran out of the room as quickly as possible before he could say something or more possibly kill me.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now