92. *She Is Fine*

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Liam looked dashing in his white buttoned down shirt that he was pairing with black pants and polished black shoes. He groomed up pretty well. And from the repeated lingering glances that he was getting and that confident, smug look on his face, he knew he was killing it by the way he looked.

And the two girls who earlier had been telling Maya that she shouldn't have let him join them, were now fully checking him out, especially Amanda who already had her boyfriend by his side. A clearing of throat from Maya took their attention away from him and towards her.

"Shall we move in guys?" She then said with a smile. From the corner of her eyes, Maya noticed Mason looking at Liam with a Little hesitancy. Maybe because he knew who Liam was.

"Sure. It's been a while since I went to a club anyway." Liam exclaimed, casting a charming smile in their direction.

"I'm sure with the type of work you do, you probably don't get enough time." Bianca said lowly but he heard her anyway.

"Oh you're right I really don't get enough time." He replied. "Actually the last time I went to a club was with Maya." He then looked at her. "Remember that evening back in Italy? Marcos and Marcelo were with us as well-" Both Bianca and Amanda looked in their friend's direction, and sure enough her face fell. "-we really had fun, even Mas-"

Before he could complete his sentence, Bianca took him by his shoulder and literally dragged him alongwith her. "Stop talking. Let's just move in."

Liam being oblivious, simply let her drag him as he then started to tell Bianca how he was a gentleman and would never manhandle a lady but wouldn't mind if he was being manhandled by them. Bianca rolled her eyes at his words and then almost pushed him away, when he said how she was safe from him as he wouldn't dare hit on Enzo's woman.

"Excuse me?" She said, flabbergasted.

"What?" Liam said innocently. "You think I don't know what's going on between you and him."

"There's nothing between us." Bianca replied, but a slight blush rose to her cheeks.

"Really? But what Enzo said, proves otherwise." Liam smirked inwardly as Bianca immediately turned her head his way.

"What? What do you mean?" She didn't know why but she wanted to know what Enzo had said about her.

"Oh nevermind. Maybe you're right there's nothing between you two." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Before Bianca could ask him anything further, they had reached their booth. Taking a seat next to Liam, Bianca reminded herself to ask him that question later.

By then they all had comfortably settled down on their respective seats. Amanda sitting next to Mason, on her right was Maya and next to her was Bianca and then Liam. "So, should I go get the drinks?" Mason offered.

"Tequila for me." Amanda said feeling like having alcohol straight. "I'll have sex on the beach." Liam then said. "Same for me." Bianca added.

"And for you Maya?" Mason asked.

"Uh just cranberry juice." She replied.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now