101. *Best Sleep*

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Maya took a sigh of relief once she saw the familiar building of her apartment coming into view, through her half closed eyes.

After halfway listening to Water, Maya had not so subtly turned the music off, saying she wanted to close her eyes a bit and needed silence.

Parking the car, Massimo turned the engine off. He saw Maya with her head still slightly laid against the seat rest. She looks really tired. Massimo thought to himself.

Getting out of the car, he quickly made his way towards the passenger side.
Maya stirred in her place, about to step out of the car but Massimo stopped her from doing so.

"I can carry you, you can go back to sleep." He offered.

Maya had her eyes completely opened now. "No, it's fine." There was no way she'd let him carry her, especially now that she must've gotten heavy.
Before Massimo could force help her, she was already on her feet. "I can walk on my own." And with that she started to make her way inside her apartment building.

Without any doubt, Massimo followed after her. If he couldn't carry her, he could at least see her off and make sure she safely reached inside her house.

On reaching her apartment, Maya took the keys out of her purse to unlock the door.

"Is Sophia not home?" Massimo asked since she didn't ring the doorbell, instead used keys to unlock the door.

"Uh no, mom is at her friend's place." She exclaimed. "Riya has been a good friend to mom for a few months now." She added. "The other day she got into an accident and so mom offered to help her since Riya lives on her own, and has no one to look after."

Entering inside, Maya stopped in her steps. She turned around to look at Massimo who was still standing by the entrance. "Do you um wanna come in?" She offered.

Massimo obviously wanted to, and even more now after knowing that she'd be alone for the night, all by herself, he didn't like it. And so he simply gave a nod and entered inside, closing the door behind.

"Do you want something to drink?" Maya asked as she yawned. "Water or maybe some juice or tea?" She then added. "Sorry if the options are quite plain, since that's all I usually have now that I'm pregnant." Her hand on its own went to caress her slight baby bump.

"No, it's fine. Thank you." There was no way he'd let her do anything, especially since all she needed right then was to rest.

"I'm not comfortable with the idea of you being alone." Massimo said all of a sudden. "You should not be left alone, given you are pregnant." He didn't understand how her mother could leave her by herself.

"Mom said the same thing." Maya said making her way towards the living room. "But I'm still very far away from the delivery date." She sat down on the couch, putting her legs on the table in front. "And it's just one night."

"Still, anything can happen. We can't take risk." Massimo was adamant.

Maya bit down on her bottom lip, trying to suppress a smile that was trying to come on her face. She found it cute how he sounded so worried for her.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum