15. *About The Plan*

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Maya's P.O.V

I was surprised when I found out that Dante Romano was Massimo's father. I meant they obviously had the similar facial expressions, the same handsome look but that was it because other than that they had nothing else in common! Their behaviour was far different from each other. While Massimo would always stay uptight, angry and with a dark emotionless look on his face, his father on the other hand knew how to show emotions and he'd also smile time to time unlike Massimo who'd just either smirk or grin evilly.

After the little intro with Massimo's father, Martha, Gabrielle and I made our way towards my room. We actually had to discuss something that's why they told me to go somewhere where we could get some privacy. I still didn't know what these two ladies were upto this time but one thing I was sure of was that whatever it was, it was something mischievous!

"So......are you ladies gonna tell me what it is that's going on inside your head?" I asked as we reached inside my room and sat down on the bed comfortably.

"Have a little patience mia cara. Ofcourse we're gonna tell you that's why we're here." Martha said. So, I gave them 'ok then tell, I'm all ears' look to which they both looked at each other then towards me.

"Ok so we're going to start with telling you about how much we adore Massimo. He's like a child to us." Martha said. "No scratch that he's our child! He cares for us like his own mother." Gabrielle said and the way her voice got sadder in the end didn't go unnoticed by me.

I didn't interrupt even though I wanted to know why they were telling me all this but I just kept quiet and listened to them.

"We have been taking care of him since he was a kid that's why we are so close with each other. I know it's difficult to say this but he is a nice person." Martha said.

"His actions says otherwise and I don't blame it after all he has so much to worry about. But I know deep down he's just like us" Gabrielle said and I could sense so many emotions in her voice. "He also has a heart and he can love as well." Given the circumstances under which I met Massimo it was kind of difficult to believe that but with the sincerity she was saying it I couldn't help but to believe her.

Martha and Gabrielle both looked at me and gave me their motherly smiles, smile that could warm your heart.

"He always remains busy with his work that he doesn't get to actually live his life like a normal person." Martha said sadly. "I mean to people it may look like that he has everything, and in a way he has, from money to the people that cares for him but he's still missing something in his life." She said and the way she looked at me when she said 'something' didn't go unnoticed by me.

"So, let us come to the main point." Gabrielle said. She sighed before saying, "Every year without Massimo's knowledge -" Before she could continue Martha interrupted her, "Without his knowledge?" She snickered. "He would always find out that we are planning something. So better not raise our hopes high that he won't find out this year. Because we know that he would!"

"Could you stop interrupting me! I was about to tell her about the plan." Gabrielle hissed at Martha who just shrugged her shoulders in return. Gabrielle muttered something incoherent in gibberish *sorry italian* and then continued with whatever plan she had to tell me.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now