45. *Strong & Deep*

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Massimo's P.O.V

Fanculo! I cursed as I shot another man. They were so many! I still had no idea how they got information about me going out tonight. But for now my concern was to keep fighting them and make sure they wouldn't go near my car where Maya was hiding.

I somehow managed to take these men away from the scene, away from her so that no matter what; she was safe and away from the danger!

One thing that I was sure of was these men weren't Russians but some other mafia. I was kind of relieved because if they were Russians they would've surely gone after Maya and things would've messed up even more. Now that I knew that they were just after me I was not worried anymore. It wasn't the first time nor it would be the last when I was attacked by other mafias for more power and money.

I ducked down and hid behind a car as I continued shooting them. I had been in even more worst fights so it wasn't a big deal for me, but this time half of my thoughts were after Maya. Even though she was hiding inside the car, I was still quite worried about her safety. I'd only feel completely relieved once she was out of here and inside the safety of the mansion. 'Which reminds me of - Where is Enzo?!'

From my peripheral vision I saw some movement on my right. As I glanced that way I saw those men coming my way. It was only a matter of time before they'd get to me. Many times before I had taken men down on my own, but the help would've come for me. This time if Enzo didn't come on time, then it would be a different story. One not in my favour. And since Maya was with me I couldn't take risk!

I came out of my thoughts as I saw more movement around me. More gunshots were now going on in the background. A man armed with guns ran past me and started shooting anyone coming his way. I rolled my eyes as Enzo looked back at me with his mischievous smirk and then he continued shooting our enemies in front.

"You couldn't go few minutes without me, could you?" Enzo said cockily as he shot another man. Just like always I ignored him and focus on the task in front. Soon we outnumbered them and only few of them were left.

We were so engrossed into shooting them that we didn't realise when but a man somehow sneaked past us and was hiding behind a spot from where he was aiming his target, me.

Maya's P.O.V

Oh no! Whoever that man was, he was aiming his gun at Massimo! From the look on his face it was clear that Massimo had no idea that he was his target. They were so many men around, I couldn't properly recognise them all but I guessed they were some of Massimo's men as well. 'Enzo must have come with help.'

I frantically looked around as I tried to figure out as to how I could do something anything to help. I obviously couldn't do anything other than watching from the distance since Massimo had sternly ordered me to not come out no matter what.

I knew Massimo would be so angry for what I was about to do but I had no other option left. I couldn't just watch him getting shot and do nothing!

I hurriedly got out of the car but making sure not to make too much noise. My eyes never leaving the scene in front. As I walked further my mind literally went blank for a nanosecond when I saw that man almost pulling the trigger of his gun. At that same moment a loud voice called for Massimo. It was mine.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora