71. *I Want You*

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From Third person's P.O.V

Maya was trying to divert her mind, trying to have fun with her friends and not think too much about the fact that she didn't see Massimo and it was almost evening now. After the little pool party, Maya and the girls went to play some games in the gaming room inside the mansion.

Both Amanda and Bianca were in awe after finding out that there was not just a play room but a built in home theater as well. But then again for someone like Massimo it wasn't a big deal.

Aurora De Luca, who had also joined them after Maya invited her, was for the first time actually enjoying herself. No doubt she came from richness, she had her trips where she'd go out and have parties with her "girlfriends", but those were just some rich spoiled brats with same background. With them she didn't feel any bond whatsoever, just a need to simply go out with someone.

On the other hand, with Maya and her friends it was a completely different story. The entire time she was just assessing them, how they were talking, joking and having fun. They weren't bitching unnecessarily, they weren't having any lavish party, no expensive dress, jewellery or drinks, they were just them. And yet they all looked like they were having so much fun.

For Aurora it was kinda strange but she soon found herself enjoying as well, and she realised what real fun and enjoyment meant. It wasn't just about money or meaningless, fake bonds, it was about the company that you had, the real people that you were surrounded by.

"So, what do you do?" It was Hana. Her question was directed towards Aurora, who had been just listening to them and not involving that much into their conversation.

"Me?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows. "I um I just I-" She paused, actually thinking about what she did, but when she couldn't, and was having difficulty in actually telling what she did, Hana tried to help her.

"It's fine I mean I can relate to you." She added. "I also don't have anything to do you know because of where we come from." She simply shrugged. "But I do have interest in one day launching up my very own clothing brand."

"You're into that?" Bianca asked to which Hana nodded her head. "Yes, very much. I like dresses, clothes of all form, it's just so interesting how we you know have clothes for every mood. I'd like to have my very own brand where I'd sort each cloth according to the mood you know." As she was explaining all that Aurora realised how although Hana didn't do anything like her, but she still has a vision of doing something in the future for herself. But she on the other hand, didn't have any.

"What do you want to do? Do you have any interests?" This time it was Maya. As Aurora heard her, she again tried to think of her interests, but when she didn't come with any she felt a little embarrassed.

All of them were now looking at each other with furrowed eyebrows. They got it that because of coming from richness she didn't do anything, no job. But not having any interests or any vision was kinda strange to them. They all noticed the change in her expressions, so not to make her feel uncomfortable or embarrassed Maya changed the topic.

"I think we should now call it a day." She said and they all nodded at her, understanding what she was trying to do. "Ya I'm feeling sleepy. My bed is calling me." Hana said while yawning a little in the end.

"Me too. I feel like I can sleep till morning." Bianca exclaimed.

"Now now, don't fall asleep till morning." Said Maya. "Or else Martha & Gabrielle will drag you towards the dining room." To that they all looked at each other and then chuckled. Maya was right. The old cousins would not let anyone sleep without eating dinner on their watch.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now