16. *Girlfriend?!*

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Maya's P.O.V

So, it was 8:30 pm later that night. Martha and Gabrielle made so many tasty looking dishes just like always. And just like how I had helped them in placing dishes in the dining room last time, this time I was helping them as well. But this time I was very much conscious with my surroundings so that I wouldn't end up like before. I knew I must've looked like a tomato when Martha teased me by saying 'On what kind of scene would they walk on this time.' I knew she didn't specify anything but I knew what she was referring to!

As I was done placing all the dishes on the dining table I turned around and started walking out of the dining room. I halted in my steps when I saw him walking inside. His steps slowed down as well when he noticed my presence. He moved his gaze slowly from my foot to my legs then to my abdomen, my chest and then finally to my face. His gaze on me felt so strong, even though he was standing away from me it felt like as if he was just in front of me. I swallowed hard when he kept his gaze on my face and stared right into my eyes. He moved his gaze around the room and then looked at my right.

I tried not to blush when I realised where he was looking. It was the wall where he had pressed me that day. I looked away from the wall only to meet with his piercing gaze. This time he had a smirk on his face as if he knew something that I didn't.

"I know what you're thinking about." He said in his husky Italian accent. 'Ugh, not with this accent shit again!'

I knew what he was referring to but I wouldn't let him mess with me this time. So I stood my ground as I folded my arms in front of my chest and confidently said, "Oh, so now you're a mind-reader. Great!"

His smirk didn't falter instead it grew into a wide grin. For a moment I thought I saw a genuine smile on his face and I felt his eyes softened. But then his infamous smirk was back and gone was his twinkling eyes.

"So, you wanna play innocent? No worries." He said as he now started moving forward. 'No! Please stop. I don't want to have a repeat of last time!'

"But remember that if you want to be the innocent one then I will be the naughty one." He said more like whispered the last part and his voice became even huskier if that was even possible.

I felt my breath hitched at that. I wasn't that naive to not understand the double meaning behind his words. I felt this unfamiliar feeling inside my chest and a blush rose to my cheeks when I felt something, somewhere else as well. I didn't want to but I involuntary squeezed my thighs together. The movement obviously didn't go unnoticed by him. His eyes were now dark filled with different kind of emotion. 'You know what kind of emotion.' My subconscious mind taunted.

Massimo's P.O.V

I was annoyed when padre said that he wanted to dine together with everyone. Now, it wasn't like I had any problem with it. But I knew very well about my father that's why I didn't like this idea of dining with everyone.

But right now I wasn't regretting this idea at all! Because right now in front of me was a very aroused Maya. I knew she'd never admit it if I said it out loud but I could tell from the way she squeezed her thighs. Her thighs, I groaned inwardly. They were looking so fucking perfect in those fitted jeans that she was wearing. 'I can't even imagine how those thighs would like without anything on!' I groaned again at my perverted thoughts. I could feel my not so little buddy down there getting excited.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat