75. *For The Best...*

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Massimo's P.O.V

It wasn't easy to say all those things out loud to her. Telling her that I'd let her go once the Dino situation was taken care of, it wasn't easy at all. I obviously didn't want to let her go! If it was in my hands, I'd have never for once let her go out of my sight. But it was for the best! It was best for her!

"Fine then." She said, "If you really think that this is the only right thing, then ok." I could tell by looking at her face that she was trying to control her emotions. She looked like she either wanted to yell, or punch me in the face.

"But I've one condition." Her voice sounded different. "Until this Dino situation isn't taken care of, I want you to stay away from me." She said in her stern voice. Her gaze was challenging me to say otherwise, and I wouldn't lie a part of me so wanted to tell her 'No! I won't stay away from you', but I knew it was for the best.

And so I said, "Fine." I saw something flicker in her eyes. "I will not bother you." It took everything in me to say that. But I reminded myself that it was for her safety.

Her jaw clenched a little as she nodded at me. "Very well." She then stood up from her seat. "I guess since now everything is clear, I should get going." I could sense her mood getting sour. Mine wasn't any different.

I was currently in my room, lying on my back on the bed. After the little talk with Maya, she had left without giving me a single glance. Though it looked like as if she had wanted to say something, but she didn't and simply left.

I sighed heavily thinking back to what I had agreed upon with her, to stay away from her. Would I be actually able to do it? I sure did say that to her, but was it even possible to just stay away from her, especially when we were under the same roof?

'I really need to take care of this Dino situation soon, so that I...so that I-I....shit I can't even say it!' I groaned at myself.

I couldn't help when my mind started thinking about what would really happen once the Dino situation was taken care of. I would have to let her go. I would have to see her leaving me. She would go back to her old life. She'd continue her job, she'd live a normal life without any danger. And then she might even meet someone with whom she could think of a future.

I didn't realise when my hands got into tight fists, and I was practically burning a hole on the ceiling above, because how intense my gaze had gotten all of a sudden.

Just the mere thought of her meeting someone, liking someone, loving someone, was making me seethe with jealousy! She'd become someone else's, and that person would get to see her every day, get to touch her, kiss her, and....No! I stopped my thoughts before I could mentally kill someone I didn't even know.

"I knew he'd do something soon to piss me off." I said to Enzo. Currently I was in my front yard. I was peacefully napping in my room, when Enzo had burst into my room saying that someone had killed few of our men, and their bodies were found outside my mansion, all bloodied with a note attached to it.

~ This is for messing with my brothel.
And don't get so happy that you're alive. Soon I will end you & you're bitch. Until then,
fuck you! ~

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu