59. *Found Her*

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Unknown person's P.O.V

I didn't even get to pack anything. They just called and the owner of our hospital was ready to sent us there without our consent. All he had said was, that if we didn't want to lose our job and something more precious, then we would have to listen to him. Strange.

Along with me one other doctor from our hospital was going as well. Both of us had no idea as to why we needed to go there so urgently. All we were informed about was that there's a patient and being the "best" doctors, they needed us there.

I didn't even get a chance to inform my girlfriend about the same. If it was morning, I would have informed her on my way out of the hospital. But since it was mid-night and her shift ended by 7pm, I couldn't inform her of my sudden departure to Italy.

Omniscient (No one's P.O.V)

The best doctors from around the world had arrived, to do their best in waking up Maya from comatose. Although it was upto Maya if she was willing to wake up, only then she would have woken up, and all the doctors could only help her a little in doing so. The rest was completely Maya's own will. But Massimo believed since the doctors were doing their jobs, it shouldn't have taken long for Maya to get back to conscious state.

Maya on the other hand in her unconscious state, had no idea what was happening in the real world. She was in her own coma state where all she could think of was what Massimo had said, and how long it would take her to finally wake up. She herself didn't know how to wake up on her own.

One of the doctors from the USA, he was about to go inside Maya's room to check on her vitals, when he stopped dead in his tracks as soon as his eyes landed on the patient. He was seeing the patient for the first time, because he had been discussing her case only with other doctors ever since he had landed Italy.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He even tried to shook his head and looked again to make sure what he just saw was even real. And when his mind finally registered that yes it was real, he immediately rushed forward and looked down at the patient, Maya.

"Oh my god..." Was the words that came out of his mouth. He couldn't believe he was seeing her like that after months of her going missing. He couldn't believe his eyes.

He came out of his thoughts when another doctor walked inside the room. "Have you noted down her vitals? Do you see any impro-..." The other doctor stopped mid sentence when he saw the look on his face.

"Dr. Campbell? You alright?" He asked to which Dr. Campbell aka Mason looked down at Maya and then towards the other doctor.

Clearing his throat he said, "Um ya I'm alright I just, I think her vitals are fine."

With that the other doctor nodded his head and then left from there, while Dr. Campbell aka Mason was still standing there, in a shocked as well surprised state.

He wanted to call his girlfriend, knowing how happy she would get after finding about her friend being fine. Well, not fine but she was alive at least, because after all those months they had thought the worst.

Mason again looked down at her, "I can't believe I'm actually seeing you again." He wasn't sure if she could listen to him but he still continued, "I can't wait to tell them about you. You have no idea how much they've missed you!"

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now