27. *Falling For Her?*

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Massimo's P.O.V

I made my way back to Maya's room after dealing with my men. As I entered her room Marcelo and Marcos were sitting beside her on the bed trying to console her.

"You're fine. Whoever that bastard was I'm sure brother will find him." I heard Marcelo saying. 'Ofcourse! I'll find him & make him pay!'

She looked up at me as I now stood near her bed. Even though she was now a little fine but there was still a hint of fear in her eyes. Both Marcos and Marcelo stood up from her bed. "You should go to sleep now. Rest." Marcos said and then after giving her an assuring smile they walked out of the room leaving us alone.

I cleared my throat as I sat down on the bed on the other side in front of her. "You okay now?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She said. "And thank you." I looked at her. She gave me a small smile. I knew it was a fake one because she wasn't in a position to smile and it made something inside me sank as I saw how vulnerable she looked.

'The incident must've affected her that much!'

"It's late you should go to sleep. Don't worry you're safe now. Nothing will happen to you I promise." I assured her as I stood up from the bed. "Good night then." and with that I walked towards the door.

"W-Wait." I halted in my steps as I heard her. I turned in my place and looked at her. She wasn't looking at me, her eyes were casted down. "What happened?" I asked.

I saw her fidgeting with her fingers as she looked up at me. "I-I'm still a little scared." She said in a low voice. "I don't think I'll be getting any sleep here." I walked towards her. "Do you want another room?" I asked. "If that's what you want then I can arrange another room."

She continued fidgeting with her fingers as she now bit down on her lip. It was as if she wanted to say something but didn't know how to.

"Thanks but another room isn't going to help me into sleeping." I furrowed my eyebrows. 'What does she want me to do then?' And before I could say my thought out loud she sighed heavily before saying something I wasn't expecting at all.

Maya's P.O.V

I knew I was going to regret what I just said but I couldn't think of anything else to say. I was sure that I wouldn't get any sleep if I slept in the room all alone. So I asked him if he could stay. Yes! Jeez I myself couldn't believe I just said that but I'd blame that on my scared self who didn't want to sleep alone after what happened!

Besides it wasn't as if we were going to sleep together in the same bed. There was a big couch in the room as well so he could sleep there. 'But why do you think he'd say yes to sleeping here?' My subconscious mind got a point. Why would he? What if he didn't want to sleep here on the couch? I mean he surely would rather sleep on his own bed than here on the couch.

My heart sank a little. If that happened I had to stay awake all night. Now, you must be thinking that I was overreacting but I wasn't! I mean just think about it. How would you react if you were sleeping peacefully and then all of a sudden you felt an unknown person's presence in your room. To say I got scared would be an understatement. Even though I had no idea what that man said but it sounded something cruel to me and it just felt wrong!

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now