68. *Weird...*

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Maya's P.O.V

After coming down to have dinner with others, I was now kinda regretting it because we had some new company, and by the look on their faces especially the old man, it looked like they weren't that happy with so many people around them, since that man was wearing a permanent scowl on his face ever since I entered.

Enzo was on his usual behaviour, cracking stupid jokes here and there, Hana was insulting him as well as joining on with him. I could see both Bianca and Amanda trying to take everything in, but they had small smile on their faces and would also laugh at their antics.

Massimo on the other hand was just sitting quietly, carrying that infamous hard look on his face. At some point his eyes did fall on me, and instead of looking away like I'd always do, I met his gaze with mine. His eyes looked into mine as he then moved it all over my face, starting from my eyes, going down to my lips and then back to my eyes.

Though his face looked hard, but his gaze on me was soft. It was as if he was caressing me with it. Wow I've turned into some poet now.

"You're not eating properly." I didn't realise when words left his mouth. "Huh?" I asked since I didn't realise when he spoke. He then gestured towards my plate, "Your plate, its almost empty." I looked down and surely I didn't have much food on my plate, just some roasted chicken and mashed potatoes.

Now, you must be thinking that it was enough food but it wasn't, because Martha and Gabrielle had prepared so many dishes, and I was only having small portion on my plate.

"Um I actually don't feel that hungry." I replied. I could feel eyes on me on us, especially a strong gaze and when my eyes slightly moved, it was that old man.

"You don't feel hungry?" My eyes fell on Massimo again as he asked that. "Are you alright?" He continued. "Do you feel discomfort while eating?" The hard look that he had a while ago, it started to disappear and on its place a worried look appeared on his face.

It was intriguing yet it melted my heart to see him getting worried about me, and being vocal about it. I knew this stupid arrogant man cared about me, though he'd rather not accept it but he still showed it and had showed it so many times before.

"Huh?" I asked as he was again saying something but since I was lost in my thoughts I didn't hear him.

"You look a little lost as well, you sure you're alright?" This time he leaned in forward. Since my seat was right next to him on his left, and he was very tall, he didn't have to move that much in order to get into my personal space.

I automatically got conscious and my eyes widened a little. But he then stopped inclining further, and put the back of his hand on my forehead as if trying to check my temperature or something.

"Your temperature seems normal." He said while removing his hand, and I almost pouted because my inner hoe wanted to feel his touch.
'Yes, we want him to touch us and not just on our forehead!' My pervert subconscious mind was back.

Clearing my throat, I shyly tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Um I'm fine." I said to which he looked unconvinced, "I had an evening snack and that's why I don't fell that hungry. That's all." I slightly blushed as I said that.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ