99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*

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Since it was December, last month of the year and also the month of Christmas, the ambience around the city had changed. There was lightning everywhere, shops for Christmas and New year's shopping had also been set up. Basically the environment around was filled with festive joy.

This year for the first time in years, Maya had someone, her mother, with whom she could celebrate Christmas. Every year she'd either work during Christmas times as well, or Bianca/Amanda would have to force her to come to their place to celebrate. Maya being Maya, thought she was being an interruption in what should be a family get together. But not this year, this year she would be able to celebrate Christmas with her family.

"I overheard Michelle saying she saw a hot greek god like man this afternoon." Bianca stated. "And then cut to Amanda who told me how she saw a very familiar man going inside the hospital."

Maya knew that the news of Massimo's arrival at the hospital would be out soon, especially since he had made a scene at the OPD. No wonder half of the hospital was already talking about how Maya had taken him by his hand, and then the two had gone inside the room and had stayed there for a while, doing God knows what.

Maya had returned back to the OPD, Sam had given her knowing looks and smirks all the while. Once they had been done with their shifts, Sam had asked Maya about Massimo, about what had taken her so long with him. Maya had only told her that he was just someone she knew. Sam had looked like she wanted to ask some more, but then she didn't because no matter how outspoken/bold Sam was, the girl knew her boundaries.

Coming to present time, Maya was with Bianca. Both of them were ready to call it a day. Amanda had gone earlier since she had taken half a day off because she had a date with her boyfriend, Mason.

"I made it clear to him, not to disturb me again during working hours." Maya said, sighing to herself.

"You think he'd listen?" Bianca asked with a raised eyebrow. "By the way, I had a call from Hana the other day-" Bianca then said, taking Maya's complete attention. "Uh Enzo also called, they were asking about you."

Maya felt so bad for dragging them in her mess. Both Hana and Enzo had been nothing but nice to her. They only wanted her well-being and Maya couldn't even talk to them. She felt like a bitch on treating them like that.

Her not talking to them had been because of Massimo, but now since he was already here, there was no reason she shouldn't be talking to them anymore. Maya made a mental note to call them later and apologize for her behavior.


Massimo saw Maya getting in her car, as she waved at her friend who went in her own car and then they parted ways out of the hospital's parking lot.

Every day ever since Massimo had landed in California, he had been keeping an eye on Maya, not that he had anything else to do since his only motive to come here was to win Maya back.

After that Friday at her apartment, Massimo had tried to talk to Maya and he did get a few chances as well, but she wouldn't listen to him for too long. And so Massimo would try his best to get any chance to talk with her. Just like how he had done today at the hospital. Though instead of talking they had done something else. Not like he was complaining or anything, since he had been dying to feel her lips against his anyway. But it would've been even better if he had gotten a chance to talk to her as well.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now