20. *His Birthday Party* Part 2

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*Happy Birthday Michele Morrone!*

Massimo's P.O.V

I was getting ready in my room for the much awaited party of the year as what Martha, Gaby & Enzo liked to call it. I tell you these guys weren't that much excited when it came to their own birthdays. I was inside the room but I could still hear the noises coming from the down floor and from the front yard where the party was held.

It was 7:30 pm, the function had started. I could see people from all over the world. Some of them were just like me, involved in mafia business while some were just famous rich people. Just because I was in mafia that didn't mean I only had mafia business, I also did other legal work in order to keep my identity clean in front of the world even though I didn't give a damn about what people think about me!

"Mr. Romano." A man in his 40s greeted me while I just gave him a curt nod. Since the moment I entered, people were continuously greeting me and coming to me which had now started to annoy me because most of them were just clinging women who just wanted to get my attention. All of them were obviously rich and from high class but still their actions were totally different.

"Massimo darling." A feminine voice purred from my right side. I sighed. 'Here comes another one.'

I turned around and saw a familiar face but not so familiar because I couldn't remember her name. She was wearing a dark red low cut dress with long slit in front. The dress was so tight on her that it made me wonder how did she wear it on her body? Also, how was she going to get out of it without tearing it apart?

She gave me a seductive smile when she saw me looking at her. She must've thought that I liked her or whatever because then she said, "I know I'm looking hot that's why you can't take your eyes away from me." She placed a hand on my chest while bending a little towards me trying to show me her almost naked breasts.

I just stood there with hands in my pockets and an unfazed hard look on my face. I saw her getting a little annoyed when she noticed how I wasn't looking even a little bit interested. If I wanted to I could've just pushed her away from me but tonight I didn't want to create any scene and besides I didn't want to spend even an ounce of energy on such low lifes!

'But earlier you used to spend so much of your time with such low lives. What changed?'

I sighed in relief when she left me alone. Good for her. I didn't exactly understand how low they could stoop just to get my attention. 'Duh. Because you're powerful, strong and insanely handsome! Of course they'd want to be with you!'

"Enjoying the party I see." Great. Couldn't they give me just a second of peace. I didn't acknowledge his voice because I knew he wouldn't stop anyways. Irritating guy!

"It's your happy birthday atleast smile a little. It won't harm grande Fratello." The moment I heard this other voice I turned around and came face to face with my fratello minore.
(Big brother. Younger brother)

Marcos smiled at me and gave me a bro hug which I happily obliged. "Happy birthday big bro!" He wished to which I didn't say thank you or anything. He knew how I didn't like getting wished from every single person yet he was doing it on purpose.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now