30. *Night Club*

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Maya's P.O.V

It was later that night. I was in my room. The dinner went by good just the usual. But this time Liam's presence made it even more fun. I found his personality very interesting. He was somewhat similar to Marcelo and Enzo, quite mischievous. He was surely intimidating with his handsome looks and well-built physique but I didn't feel uncomfortable or weird in his presence. He was a nice guy.

My mind wandered to what Marcelo had said during dinner. He had wanted us all to go out again. This time the thought of going out didn't excite me that much because of some obvious reasons. I also noticed how Massimo was also against of us going out but when Marcelo made sure that whatever had happened was all of a sudden and that we weren't aware of it and that this time we would be aware, he somehow managed to convince Massimo into going out.

And that's how I found myself looking through some clothes in order to find something perfect to wear to a night club. Yup, you heard me right. We were going to a night club. Marcelo wanted us to go there since he hadn't been to a night club in Italy since a long time. I wasn't that excited neither was I interested into going to a night club since I had always been a little allergic to clubs. But just because Marcelo wanted to go and everyone was fine with it so I was fine too!

I didn't want to wear anything too fancy but I also didn't want to look out of place, so I simply wore a cute white crop top that had single straps as sleeves and paired it with a skirt with side slit

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I didn't want to wear anything too fancy but I also didn't want to look out of place, so I simply wore a cute white crop top that had single straps as sleeves and paired it with a skirt with side slit. I completed my look by applying a little bit of mascara and lip gloss since I really wasn't a fan of make-up that much. I looked at myself in the mirror and hoped I look fine.

The knocking on the door sounded to which I turned around and saw Marcelo standing there.

"All ready?" He asked.

"Yes." I simply replied.

"Let's go then." He gestured me to come with him. So I walked out of the room with him.

"You're looking gorgeous by the way." I heard him complementing to which I blushed a little and said, "Thank you. You look good yourself."

"Why thank you." He said as he smiled at me.

Together we walked down the stairs and as we reached downstairs I saw Marcos, Enzo, Liam and Massimo looking hot & dapper in their outfits. 'Such a lucky bitch you are to get surrounded by 5 hot men!' I must say it was the first time I totally agreed with my subconscious mind.

"I'm ready!" I wanted to groan at her irritatingly annoying voice. I made my way towards them ignoring her as she walked past me deliberately touching my shoulder with hers. 'Eww! Don't touch me. I don't wanna get cooties!'

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now