42. *Massimo, A Gentleman?*

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Maya's P.O.V

By the expression on his face I knew Massimo wasn't fully sure if he should tell me everything or not. But I wasn't going to let go this time! Today I'd get all answers of my questions.

"Ok so, tell me how do you know Dino Ivanov?" I asked what had been bugging me ever since. "He seemed to be into dangerous things, how come you know him this well?" As I finished I saw him clenching his jaw.

"Dino and I we both go long way back." He said, his jaw still clenched. "I'm very well aware of him being into dangerous things. But that's not for you to worry about." As he said that I wanted to argue back but he then continued, "I know you want to know why he kidnapped you and that's fair because you deserve to know." I sighed in relief. Atleast he thought I deserved to know!

I saw him leaning back in his chair. His eyes looked clouded with rage. He was there but it seemed like his mind wasn't. It was as if he was thinking back to something. As he looked back at me, for a moment I saw a hint of vulnerability in them but it was gone the next moment.

"Dino Ivanov has always been a psychotic madman." He started and I listened to him carefully since whatever he was about to say seemed very important. "Drugs, killing, human-trafficking, child-labour, and all the other illegal activities are what that takes place under his surveillance." A gasp escaped my lips. Did he really just said that?! Oh my god...

Ignoring my shocked expression he continued, "Inside his sick mind he thinks that once he puts his filthy eyes on something or someone, that something or someone should be his!" I could sense poison towards Dino in his voice.

"I don't know much but from what I heard he fell in lust at first sight for this girl named Kaya." I felt disgusted as I heard that. "She obviously wanted nothing to do with a man like Dino so she rejected him. But Dino being the psycho he is, he started to threaten her." OMG. Even though I didn't know this girl Kaya but I still felt sorry for her.

"He forced her into accepting him and soon they got married." What?! "Married?" I asked. "Against her will?" How could he just force her? I thought.

"For him her will didn't matter. He wanted her so he took her as his." I felt more and more disgusted. A shiver ran down my spine as I thought about how I had to be in the presence of such evil being!

"So he just took her? Just like that? And why didn't she complain to the police about it?" As I said that a dark, humourless chuckle escaped Massimo's lips. "Police? They couldn't do anything to help her." And before I could ask why he continued, "Even if police wanted to help they couldn't because they're helpless."

"So, what happened to Kaya then?" I asked warily.

Massimo sighed as he looked straight into my eyes, "He killed her." As the words escaped his mouth I fell back in my chair while looking at him with widened eyes.

"H-He....he killed her?" My voice sounded low. "But w-why?" I asked. "He married her didn't he!? Oh my god.." I felt like I was about to faint.

"Amore? You ok?" I heard Massimo saying to which I looked at him. "Ofcourse I'm not!" I said as I looked at him in disbelief. "How could you expect me to be ok after hearing....but I still don't know how this is related to him kidnapping me....." I trailed off as my eyes widened when I realised something.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now