88. *Revelation*

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**⚠️There's a slight reference to r*pe in this chapter so I'm giving warning beforehand. It's not much just the mention of it but still I thought of giving a small warning⚠️**


The bullet hit that person right on his chest, making him to fall down on the ground. But unfortunately he wasn't the one Massimo had wanted to hit, since the real culprit was still standing by the door, carrying a sinister smile and a gun in his hand which was currently aimed at Enzo who he had in his hold. What the hell?!

"Well, I'd say I wasn't expecting so many people here." He said looking at Massimo then towards Viktor and Sophia. "I only wanted to say hello to my dear brother, his wife and my niece..." Hektor's eyes then falling on Maya. "But I should've known....after all wherever she goes you always follow her." His eyes moving back to Massimo, still wearing that sinister smile.

"Oh I forgot about your friend here." He then said, putting pressure onto Enzo's temple with the barrel of his gun. Enzo let out an annoyed/angry growl, but he couldn't do anything since Hektor had upper hand in that situation.

Maya's eyes widened on seeing Enzo in danger. Automatically, her grip around Massimo's arm got tight bringing his attention on her. He looked down at her and his eyes met her fearful eyes.

"Now, let's not waste any time and come straight to the point." Hektor then said.

"What do you want Hektor? Why are you here?" It was Viktor this time.

Hektor let out a chuckle but it didn't sound happy or funny. "Calm down brother, why do you get so hyper. Like I said I just wanted to meet my family." His eyes again moving towards Maya and he grinned at her. "You know I'm hurt that you didn't tell me that I had one more niece?" He mocked. "I would have love to meet her you know."

"Hektor please don't do this." Viktor pleaded.

Faking an innocent look, Hektor said, "What? I'm not doing anything. Not yet at least."

"Why are you doing this? What do you want?" Viktor almost yelled. "You already have everything, I don't want to do anything with your business, you can have it all." He then said. "Just leave us alone, leave my family alone."

Letting out yet another humourless chuckle, Hektor said, "Always a good guy Viktor. Always the one with big heart." He then said. "And I was the bad one always. The one who did everything wrong, who didn't know how to be a good person." He looked at Vektor with malice. "While everyone praised you, they always neglected me." He then scoffed. "Even our parents thought the same. That's why even after I being 5 minutes older than you, they always treated you differently than me."

"You can't blame others for your wrong doings brother." Viktor couldn't help but to say. "You & I, we were both same but with time you became something else."

"Yes, I did so what!" Hektor exclaimed. "If I didn't, I'd not have been where I'm today." He then said. "And I don't regret a thing. I don't regret what all the things I did in the process, because it doesn't matter. What matters is I got what I wanted!"

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