79. *Selfless*

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The next morning Maya was having breakfast in the dining room with Amanda, Bianca, Hana, & Liam. Martha & Gaby were serving them like always. Massimo, Enzo & Mr. Romano weren't there since they were in his office room at the moment with Aurora and that father of hers.

"I didn't know De Luca was here." Liam said to no one in particular.

"Why? You like him that much." Hana said teasingly while eating her buttered toast.

"You know when last last time I was here, there were men mostly." Liam said, "This time I'm liking more in here since now there's more female population." He winked at Maya while sipping juice from his glass, making them all chuckled at him.

"To be honest, I won't mind De Luca being here if that means them having meetings all the time." He then added, "Then I'd get all the ladies to myself."

They were enjoying their breakfast when they heard voices coming from the office room. It sounded like someone was yelling. They all looked at each other and then stood up, making their way towards the commotion.

"You can't terminate the deal!" It sounded like De Luca's voice. "You gave me your word, your damn word!" He yelled again making Maya scrunch up her nose at his voice. 'Why the heck is he yelling like this?' She thought to herself.

"I'm no longer the capo, so my word means nothing anymore." It was Mr. Romano's voice but he wasn't yelling like De Luca. His voice was calm, almost bored.

"No! You can't break your promise!" That man yelled again.

"The promise was made when I wasn't the capo, so it has no importance to me." Came Massimo's voice, and just like his father he also had a bored tone.

Soon the door to the office room got opened and De Luca came out rushing. His face looked red, from all that yelling. As his eyes fell on the audience that had gathered after listening to their noise, he gave them all disgusting looks, but when his eyes fell on Maya he looked like as if she had stole his kidneys.

Before Maya could realise what was happening he started to make his way towards her, face still red with anger. But fortunately Liam had figured him coming towards her, as he then immediately stood in front of Maya.

"Ah the american dog is here as well." De Luca said with a scoff. "Get off my way!"

"And why would I do that?" Liam asked, still standing in front of Maya. She moved a little to look past him since he was taller than her. De Luca was standing a few feets away from them, his eyes looking at her with loathing.

"I know all of this is happening because of this cagna!" De Luca spitted out. "He has his puttana that's why he broke the deal and doesn't want to marry my daughter anymore!" Maya didn't understand Italian but there were few words she knew the meaning of. 'Did he just call me a whore?' She thought to herself.

"Watch your fucking mouth De Luca!" It was Massimo. Unlike before his voice wasn't bored anymore but hard and menacing.

"I let you raise your voice at me inside my damn house...." His voice going a bit high. "But I won't let you disrespect what's mine!" He roared out at him.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now