102. *Mama's Wish*

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Maya had already done shopping for Christmas gifts. A beautiful pink dress for Amanda, a set of wine glasses for Bianca and a food processor for her mom. But now she'd have to buy one more gift since Massimo was also joining her and Sophia at their house.

"Just wrap a ribbon around your body and gift yourself to him." Only Bianca would come up with such a thing.

Amanda sighed at her friend's words while Maya blushed, rolling her eyes. "No, I'm serious. He'd love that gift." Bianca then winked at Maya.

"Thanks for your idea but I'll have to pass." Maya then looked at her other friend. "What do you say Am?" She asked.

"Um I don't know. I mean I myself couldn't think of anything so I bought a t-shirt for Mason." Amanda responded.

"Clothes, footwear, accessories, I just don't see Massimo as someone who'd want these." Maya exclaimed.

"But a gift is a gift, it's the thought behind the gift that counts." Said Bianca.

Sighing, Maya unconsciously caressed her baby bump. What should I get your dad little one...


"It smells like Christmas here." Maya was helping her mom decorate some cookies that she had just made.

"This was my mama's recipe." Sophia exclaimed smiling to herself. "She used to make the best cookies."

"Can't wait to finally eat them." Maya said with a smile.

"While you are decorating them, I'll just put the turkey in the oven." Sophia said. "Okay so now we wait..." She looked at Maya and asked. "When will Massimo come?"

"Uh he should be here any minute." Maya said looking at the wall clock. It was 7pm and Massimo had yesterday told Maya that he'd come around that time in the evening.


Massimo reached her place on time. He was about to ring the bell when his hand involuntarily went towards his pant's right pocket. An outline of a small box could be felt, Massimo gave a slight pat to the gift he bought for Maya.

His eyes looked right into Maya's once he rang the bell and she opened it for him. Breathtaking was what came to his mind on seeing her. She was wearing a simple green dress, it wasn't too flashy or something, but fit right on her curves. It had full sleeves but they were flowy and were cut from sides revealing some of her skin. The dress went all the way down towards the floor, giving it a wavey texture. The slight baby bump could also be seen, making her look ethereal.

"Hi." With a slight blush on her cheeks Maya smiled up at him. She noticed how his eyes trailed all over her body, appreciation was adamant in them.

"Hey amore." Massimo couldn't help himself as he moved forward and placed a kiss at the corner of her mouth. "You look ravishing." He whispered to her.

Before Maya could say something, he was quick to move back. Looking past her, he smiled up at Sophia. "Hello." Walking inside, Massimo deliberately brushed past Maya. "Merry Christmas." He wished her mom, taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles out of respect.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now