49. *Countryside*

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Massimo's P.O.V

"I'm upset with you, you know." I rolled my eyes as Enzo said that as if he was really very upset by the fact that I had never took him to that room but Maya.

"And does it look like I care?" I simply said.

After dropping Maya to the kitchen, I had made my way to my office room since I'd some business related call to make, unfortunately Enzo had somehow found out that I was in that room with Maya and since then he had been unnecessarily sulking about it like a goddamn child!

I admit I never allowed anyone to go there. I myself wouldn't go there that often and the reason being was because I didn't like others to pry in my personal life. That room and those paintings inside were very dear to me and my heart. I wanted no one to witness me being a vulnerable person because I was a mafiosa capo!

'Then why did you let her see your vulnerable state?' The same question my mind had been asking me ever since I took Maya with me to that room.

I didn't exactly know what Martha & Gaby were up to this time, but I might had an idea as to what was going on in their mischievous mind.

The excuse that they had gave me about the pizza ingredients being not available..., even they both knew that it was rubbish because there was a pantry in the mansion where the raw material never went out of stock.

But I actually didn't mind whatever it was that they were trying to do, because I had something in mind and their excuse would've helped me into executing it.

And that's how I found myself waiting for Maya so that I could take her to this place where I had told her that she'd get the best pizza in Italy.

The place where I was taking her was not just for the pizza but she'd see much more interesting stuff there, which I thought she'd like and she might get some fun time apart from all the things that had been happening in her life.

"First to that room and now you're taking her out, what's so special hmm?" Came Enzo's voice and surely when I looked at him he was smirking like an idiot that he was.

"I do not owe you any answer or explanation. So just mind your own business." I said authoritatively but that idiota just smirked even more.

"Oh you don't have to say anything..." he said, "I already know everything." With that mischievous look he winked at me.

I glared at him as to what he meant by "everything".

"You think I don't know what happened last night." My glare intensified at this. He chuckled while shooking his head playfully. "She's a little screamer you know." He was still smirking. "Next time make sure you're in a sound proof room." All of a sudden he made a disgusted face. "You're my boss & friend but She's my little tesoro and I'm really not interested in knowing about what you two do behind close doors." He exaggerated by shuddering in disgust. 'Overdramatic cazzo!'

Our conversation got interrupted as we heard a voice. Her voice.

"Enzo's coming with us as well?" She asked excitedly, and if he wasn't being an irritating guy then I'd have probably thought about taking him with us. Ya sure...

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя