51. *An Exception*

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Massimo's P.O.V

We reached towards the horse stable. Maya was walking beside me while looking around. She was still very much mesmerised by the surroundings of the farmhouse. It gave me a feeling of contentment, knowing that bringing her here was worth it.

"So, you've never done horse riding before?" I asked her as we made our way inside the stable.

"No, I have not." She simply said. A whiny noise made her head turned towards the direction of the sound. She halted in her steps and then started to walk towards the glossy dark black mare that was there.

"I don't remember seeing this horse earlier." She asked doubtedly while looking at the mare with appreciation in her eyes.

"That's because she wasn't there before." I said to which she looked at me and then back at the mare. "She got ill and was away for a while. They must have brought her back here." I exclaimed as I also walked towards the mare. As if sensing my presence the mare made a loud excited whiny noise.

"Sì, vedo che stai bene ora." I caressed the side of her face and she continued making those whiny noises as if telling me that she was loving my touch.
(Yes, I see that your fine now.)

"Is there any animal here that's not friendly with you?" I heard Maya asking with amusement in her voice.

"This is my farmhouse, my living beings, what can I say." I said with a smirk. "And besides, not all of them are bought here, some of them have been rescued from animal trafficking." I said remembering about the time how these horses were going to be sold in the animal trafficking where they could've been used as slaves or gotten abused, but they somehow got rescued and now here they were, living their life better.

"Oh." A pitiful look came on her face as she looked towards all the horses.

"Don't worry they're now living their life as they want." I said to which she bit down on her lip as if she wanted to say something but didn't know how to.

"Say it." I told her.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear that had come over her face. "It's a good thing that you rescued them from animal trafficking," she started saying as she looked at me and then back towards the mare. "..but don't you think it would be better for them to just live on their own. You know like out there in the wild, where they belong." There was genuine sincerity in her voice.

I blinked my eyes, taking in what she just said. I realised she was right, I could've just let them free and let them live their life freely. But then I also realised that the thought actually never came to my mind. When I had rescued them, I had thought putting them in my farmhouse, providing them with everything would be more than enough for them.

"I get it that you're not torturing them here or abusing them. I can see you have a good relationship with them, it's clearly visible." She exclaimed. "But we can't deny the fact that they would be more happy and free in true sense, where they actually belong."

I looked at the mare in front who as if understanding our conversation made another whiny noise. Whatever Maya said was word to word right, but that wasn't what going through my mind. It was the urge, that urge to do whatever she was saying. If it was someone else giving me lecture over how I should treat my animals, I wouldn't have given a flying fuck and just ignored them. But when the same happened in Maya's case, I just wanted to redo it to make it right, to make it how she wanted it.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now