19. *His Birthday Party* Part 1

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Maya's P.O.V

It had been nearly half a month now since I was kidnapped. Also, four days since what had happened between Massimo and I that night in the kitchen. I had been so annoyed and frustrated with myself because of how I let my guards down in front of him and let him kiss me!

I didn't know if he was busy with his business work or if he was deliberately ignoring me, because since that night I didn't get to see that much of him. A part of me was relieved because I didn't want to face him, but another part of me was disappointed and hurt.

I had no idea why I so easily let him kiss me. I didn't know him that much moreover he was my kidnapper but still I let him take my first kiss. Yes, you heard me right, that was my freaking first kiss and he stole it! 'You let him kiss you, that doesn't count as stealing' Sometimes I so wanted to argue back with my subconscious mind but I knew she'd win because she was right.

It was around 2 in the afternoon. I was sitting with Martha, Gabrielle, Enzo and Mr. Romano in the living room. Basically they had been discussing about Massimo's birthday party. And I so wanted to be anywhere but here because the last thing I wanted was to plan his birthday party!

"Everything is planned! Now all we've to do is to wait for the decorators to come so that they could decorate." Enzo said.

"The food preparation just like always has been taken care by us as well!" Martha said.

The thing was tomorrow was his birthday so they were basically making sure that everything was going according to the plan. I on the other hand was just nonchalantly nodding my head.

"Neonata what happened? You're looking lost." Mr. Romano said. He had gotten a liking into calling me Neonata so when I asked Enzo what it meant, to my relief it didn't mean a fat cow.
(Baby girl)

"Um no I'm just a little tired that's it. I'm absolutely listening to what you all have been talking about." I said awkwardly. I mentally cursed myself for being like this! 'Why can't I lie? Why do I suck at lying?!'

He didn't say anything and just gave me a fatherly smile. Surprisingly I didn't feel intimidated in his presence. I mean he sure looked intimidating and all but Martha was right. When he was in his family's presence, he'd be just like a normal human being unlike someone who'd always be grumpy!

Soon, there discussion / planning - plotting ended and Mr. Romano left us. Martha and Gabrielle left as well because they had to prepare for the dinner. Now it was only Zozo and I.

"So, tell me what's going on?" He said now giving me his full attention.

I gave him a confused look. What did he mean? "Um nothings going on. Why do you ask?" I said.

"Oh come on I know there's something going on inside your mind. That's why you were looking lost just a while ago." He said.

"There's nothing going on. As I said earlier I'm just a little tired." I lied to him to which he gave me a 'stop lying' look.

I rolled my eyes at him. "There's seriously nothing going on. I'm - I'm jusy *Sighing* I'm missing my friends and everything back in America." I said in a sad tone. Well, it wasn't a lie. I was actually missing my old life.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now