35. *Traitor*

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Maya's P.O.V

Against my will I found myself all dressed up beside the person I had started to despise. Even though I didn't want to but I couldn't help but to follow as he said when he threatened me into changing my clothes by himself. Also I kind of wanted to get out of the room and maybe find something anything to plan an escape!

I was wearing the same dress that he had earlier sent in for me to wear. Again I didn't want to wear it because a) I wasn't comfortable in it, b) I was definitely in no mood of dressing up for any function especially somwhere unknown, and most importantly c) since the moment I had entered this so called function all of the men had been eyeing me as if I was a piece of meat! Disgusting.

I had thought to maybe ask for someone's help once I got out of the room but all of the men here looked even more scarier than the man beside me

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I had thought to maybe ask for someone's help once I got out of the room but all of the men here looked even more scarier than the man beside me. The function as he had said it wasn't exactly like a normal function. It looked more like a gathering of men who were about to discuss something inhuman.

The function was held downstairs. When I was making my way down the stairs I looked around the place where I had been kidnapped. Surprisingly it wasn't a dark abondoned bunker or some scary looking farm but a rather lavish villa. It was huge and marvellous but still even after being a luxurious place it didn't look beautiful because of the people present there!

Dino Ivanov against my will put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to his side as we made our way further. I clenched my jaw in irritation as I tried to get away from him but he in return only tightened his grip around me.

"Quit it моя любовь. You can't possibly win against me." He said cockily when he noticed my failed attempt of getting out of his grip. 'What does he keep saying in another language!?'
(My love)

"I won't quit!" I said through gritted teeths. "Just because I agreed on coming down here with you that doesn't mean I've accepted my defeat!" I glared up at him while he looked at me with amusement filled eyes and that stupid smirk on his face.

"Even better" He said as he raked his disgusted gaze over me. "I'm going to have so much fun into breaking that attitude of yours." His eyes turned a bit shade darker and lust was evident in his eyes. I shivered inwardly.

Massimo's P.O.V

It had been 12 hours now since she had got kidnapped. My men along with Liam's were doing everything that they could to find her and then safely take her out of that hell hole.

Just like how I had thought it was indeed him who had dared to kidnap her and that too from my premises! We had arranged everything. A plan had been formed. Now all we were waiting is for the perfect timing! 'You're so going to regret what you did Dino Ivanov!'

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now