10. *She's Mine*

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Massimo's P.O.V

It had been almost four days since I kidnapped her and since she was living with me in my mansion. I didn't know what the hell was going on inside my mind. I wanted her that's why she was here. I wanted her that's why I had to kidnap her and keep her here but now what? 'What am I going to do next?'

At first my mind was set about what I had to do with her. And that was to make her mine and to have a taste of her. I was adamant about my priorities but now it looked like I had no priorities at all. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't make myself to do what I had originally planned. 'Now, I do want her! I want to make her mine but with her full consent and I also want her to make me hers as well!' I didn't know what the hell caused this stupid change but that's how it was and it was making me angry because I knew in a way it was all because of the affect she had on me.

Throughout my 30 years of life no one had this much affect on me like she had and that too in just few days! It was messing with my mind and because of that I couldn't even properly put my mind into work. She was what I had in my mind 24/7 and that was what making me even more frustrating. 'In a way even if you want to accept it or not but you're liking it as well!' I so wanted to disagree with my subconscious mind but I knew I couldn't.

Right now I was in my office room doing some business related work. Even if I couldn't concentrate but I still had to do it. I was in between my work when my phone's ringing sounded. I sighed annoyingly as I picked up the phone.

"Parlare!" I barked in my hard tone. I heard an annoying chuckle from the other side.

"Chi ha osato rovinare il tuo umore questa volta?" The same annoying voice said.
(Who dared to spoil your mood this time?)

"Have you called me to annoy me from your useless talk or are you going to state some important business?" I hissed frustratingly.

"Well of course not. I called you to state business obviously. But I can't discuss it on phone. It's something to discuss face to face." He said in a serious tone.

I sighed. "Fine. Meet me here in my office room tonight at sharp 8 pm." I said as I cut the call without waiting for his reply. He was one of my men, Santiago. He had been working in this mafia business even before I took over as the mafia boss. Even though I treated all my men equally minus Enzo that bastard took advantage of being my best friend, I didn't really like Santiago. I also got these vibes from him like as if he wasn't good for my business. His ways of doing work was also not something I'd approve of but just because he was trusted by my father I had no other choice and besides he was good in what he did unfortunately.

It was around 6 in the evening when I finished my work and walked out of the office room. My mind was so jumbled up with other things that I almost forgot about what had happened back in the afternoon. But I surely wasn't going to let it go just like that. I had my most trusted men on work and I knew I'd soon find out about the fucking traitor.

As I made my way towards the living room I heard her voice before I could see her. She was laughing and I could tell that she wasn't alone but with Martha and Gabrielle. I noticed how she got comfortable with the both of them in just short span of time. Well in a way it was good because I didn't want her to feel alone and sad being here. Besides both Martha and Gabriel had this motherly demeanour that nobody could resist.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat