94. *To Right My Wrongs*

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Since Maya was a nurse herself, she had seen a lot of pregnant women, dealt with number of them during their checkups/labour, so she knew what the real deal was. Fortunately, she didn't have to worry about what would happen to her as she had second hand experience because of her profession. Still, sometimes there would be time when even she couldn't help but to get nervous or anxious, which was totally fine.

She had witnessed a lot of pregnancies, ranging from women in their 50s to girl in their teens. Sometimes the woman would have a partner, sometimes they would have been on their own. From some lovely, teary-eyed to some hot-mess drama, Maya had witnessed that all as a nurse.

She didn't know how she would come out as a pregnant woman. So far she had tried not to give anyone any attitude and being what people usually say..."too moody". She wouldn't lie with all the morning sickness, pregnancy mood swings she did get irritated easily and just wished to let it out.

Her gynaecologist had recommended her seeing a therapist as well in case she got too overwhelmed with all the emotions during pregnancy, especially since there was no father in the picture. So far thankfully Maya hadn't felt the need to, because she had her two best friends and also her mother by her side.

Sometimes Maya wondered about what would happen once the baby was born. Like she obviously needed no one to raise her baby, she was very well capable of doing so all by herself, and the baby would have two loving aunts and grandmom as well. So she didn't have to worry about that, but Maya couldn't help but to wonder what she'd tell her kid once they grew up, old enough to understand a few things. What would she tell them about their father.

Now, no one had seen the future so Maya couldn't possibly say what would be her future like. Would she find someone else, or would she be married. But if she wasn't and if she was a single mother, then how and what would she tell her kid. Maya knew how important it was for a kid to have both mother and father. She knew what all things an innocent kid had to hear just because they had one parent. Society sucks!

Maya might be just overthinking but blame it on her pregnancy hormones, she couldn't stop thinking about it. Especially ever since Liam had left, a part of Maya was expecting that maybe Liam had gone to him and had told him about her pregnancy and that he was going to be a father.

If she had wanted to she would've told Liam not to inform him about the pregnancy, especially since Liam had mentioned going to Italy. But a part of Maya had wanted, it wanted him to know. But then again Maya thought it wouldn't be a big deal even if he found out, because her being pregnant wouldn't actually mean anything to him.

She didn't know how wrong she was.


Maya had taken a day off since she had been feeling unwell and the morning sickness was taking its toll on her. Her one of the co-nurses was kind enough to cover her shift. Since it was Saturday the next day, Maya had now enough time to rest until Monday. Atleast that's what she thought.

Maya was now in her 10th week, the baby bump had yet to get visible, but on touching her lower belly Maya could definitely feel the changes, she could definitely feel her baby in there. Recently she had opened a savings account in the bank for her baby, where she was going to save money for their future. She was also thinking about renovating her room to a more kid-friendly room. Although her mother had offered to give up her room for the baby, Maya had refused saying she wanted her baby to be with her in the same room. And it wasn't like Maya had to be with someone, she was alone in her room anyway.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now