60. *Come back*

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No one's P.O.V

If it was someone else in their place they would have probably lost hope. It had been quite a few months after all! When they didn't hear from Maya next day of their clubbing night, they immediately rushed to were she lived. After being outside her place, calling for her, when they didn't get any response, they contacted the security of the building. From there they found out that she didn't even enter her house last night because she had gotten kidnapped from right outside her building.

From there it all started, the trips to the police station, taking help from whoever they could take, Bianca and Amanda did everything they could have to find their best friend Maya.

From the cctv footage of the outside of her building, it was clear that some man was standing right behind her without her knowing. The footage showed how he pricked her with the needle and then she fell unconscious in his arms. The footage also showed how he lifted her in his arms and then walked away from there. But after that there was nothing. The footage stopped and when it again started playing, it showed the scene from few minutes later, where there was no trace of that man carrying unconscious Maya.

Due to the angle of the camera, his face was not in the focus, only his silhouette could be seen. There was no other cctv in that area for them to get any more clues, and thus they couldn't properly further investigate.

For few more days, and weeks, the police kept looking into the missing case, but due to lack of clues they couldn't look any more into it and thus they told the two best friends to stop visiting police station every day, that if they found anything about their friend, they would be informed. Bianca and Amanda both knew that it was their way of saying 'we've done enough' and thus the two of them had to helplessly get back from there.

Through their end they did all they could have. But as more days went by, and they still had not a single clue of where Maya had gone missing to, they accepted the bitter truth of her gone forever from their lives.

It wasn't easy, no not at all easy. Especially when they had the same work place, were each and everything reminded them of their lost best friend. For weeks, both Bianca and Amanda would cry, not knowing where their best friend was, if she was ok, or if she was even alive.

But in life you have to move on no matter how difficult it is, and that's exactly what Bianca and Amanda had to do. Though it was difficult in the beginning but soon they got busy in their lives.

Amanda was now in a relationship with Mason aka Dr. Campbell. In the beginning she didn't want to, because the lost of her friend was still fresh and she felt wrong to get into a relationship while Maya was missing out there and probably in danger. She even distanced herself from him, but he never once objected and just stayed with her and helped her in whatever way she allowed him to. In the end, she realised that she was being unfair to him and she also realised that he was the one for her!

Things started to slowly get back to normal. Not how they were when Maya was around, but nonetheless they both were trying.

Now, imagine getting ready for work just like any other and then you get a call from your boyfriend who informs you that he just saw your best friend who went missing months ago! Shocking right? That's what Amanda felt when Mason called her and gave her the news she almost lost hope of getting.


"Em, please don't mess with this!" Said Bianca while gripping her phone in a tight grip. "It's been months, we tried and we failed. So, please just -..." She tried to get a hold of her emotions.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now