90. *The News*

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The next day Massimo had called for Maya to come by his office room as he had to tell her something. Something that would be the final straw, and after that Maya would be gone from his life forever. He had been dreading to do this part but had no other choice but to go with it.

Maya was still hurt from the conversation she had last night with Massimo, but decided to go see what else was there left for him to say to her.

On reaching his office room, she couldn't help but to remember how the day before she had wanted to go in there, but instead had to witness something that had shook her to the core, breaking her in the process.

Not taking any chances, she simply knocked first before entering. A deep Come in was followed as she finally opened the door and entered inside.

Massimo wasn't surprised when Maya entered inside but kept her eyes on the surroundings instead of looking at him. He wouldn't lie, it didn't make him feel good at all, but then he reminded himself how he would have to live without her eyes looking at him with love & affection anyway. So, he might as well start getting used to it as fast as he could.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" Maya wasted no time and came straight to the point.

Massimo had thought to maybe not say it straight out in order to prevent the inevitable, but looked like it was of no use. He had to say it nonetheless.

"You're free." And there he said it. He said what he had been having a hard time actually saying since last night, so much that he hadn't been able to sleep at all.

"Since there's no Dino anymore to harm you, there's no need for me to keep you here anymore." Maya finally looked at him. "You're free to leave from here."

Is he letting me go? Maya thought to herself. She felt pathetic about having such a reaction. Of course he would let her go! Now that there was no Dino and Hektor in the picture, there was no need for Maya to stay at his place anymore! But then why does it still hurt her so much?

She wanted to yell at him, tell him he couldn't decide for her! She wanted to slap some sense into him and ask him why he was doing this to her?! Again, she felt so pathetic because she didn't mind begging him to not let her go. But was it worth it? She had already lost her self respect to this man, she couldn't do that anymore. No, she wouldn't do that. If he didn't want her then she wouldn't beg him. So what if she still loved him? Clearly Massimo didn't love her, had never loved her. She wasn't going to stoop low anymore. She had had enough. If he wanted her gone, she would gladly fulfill his wish and would never show him her face again ever!

"Okay." So she replied after battling with her inner thoughts. "Is there anything else?" She asked, wanting to just leave because she was having hard time controlling her emotions.

Massimo although was glad that she didn't put up a fight, but was also a bit disappointed. He had wanted to see her fight, for the one last time he had wanted to see that side of her.

"No, that was all." He managed to say.

For a moment, they both looked into each other's eyes. It was as if they were savoring their last moment together. Involuntarily a tear slipped past Maya's eyes, making Massimo to almost jump from his seat and gather her in his arms. But he had to stop himself. He couldn't let her think that she meant anything to him, because he didn't want to hold her back.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now