91. *Lifelines*

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Mr. Romano made his way towards Massimo's office room since that's where Enzo had told him he would find Massimo. Sure enough as he pushed the door on reaching, he found him on his seat, immersed in his work.

Massimo looked up from whatever work he was doing and as he did Mr. Romano could clearly see the dark circles forming under his eyes, along with the light stubble that was now covering half of his face. He looked distraught yet had a blank look on his face as if trying to give out nothing.

Mr. Romano gave him a small smile. "You look like shit my son." Massimo didn't even change his expressions and simply looked at him.

"Father?" It was more like a question. "What brings you here?" Always the straightforward one, Mr. Romano thought.

Making his way towards the seat opposite to Massimo, Mr. Romano sat down in front of his son. "Everyone in the mafia world is talking about you, about what you did. I had to come."

Massimo knew why his father was there. Enzo and others must've told him about how he didn't talk to anyone unless important and how he lived in his own world, in his own thoughts....her thoughts.

Mr. Romano all of a sudden looked at his son with remorse. "Enzo told me why you killed Hektor." At that, Massimo couldn't help but to look away from him. He got reminded by all the words that bastard had said to him, about his mama and what he had done to her. Unknowingly he clenched his jaw.

"Did you know?" Ever since that day, Massimo couldn't help but to wonder if his father had known about that all along and hid that from him for years.

Before Mr. Romano could answer, the look on his face was enough to tell Massimo that he had known all along!

"Why?" So he asked. "Why did you not tell me?" No matter how ugly it was, Massimo wanted to know about it. Maybe the rage that had let him kill Hektor, if he had known about this from the beginning Massimo would've killed him long ago.

"I didn't know who it was." Mr. Romano looked down, his heart wrenching. It had been years since he had lost his wife and yet every time he thought back to that day, how the doctor had told him what they had done to his precious love, he couldn't help but to feel emotional and helpless. He had been the capo of the most powerful mafia and yet he couldn't have saved his wife.

"I only knew what happened but had no idea who did it." Mr. Romano exclaimed. "I did try a lot but couldn't find out and so I did everything I could to ruin the Russian mafia and that's how the two mafias became the biggest rivalry."

Massimo remembered how his father would've always targeted Russian deals, their clients, anything he would've done to put them down. At that time he had thought it was only to make the Italian mafia the only powerful one, but now he knew what exactly was the reason behind it.

"Still, if you had just told me I'd have done everything just to find out who did it." Massimo argued.

"But you did kill him after all." Mr. Romano commented.

"It should've been sooner." Massimo replied, his jaw clenching. "That bastard didn't deserve to live that much."

"You killed his nephew too." Mr. Romano then said, trying to change the topic. "The one who was after Maya."

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now