26. *Unknown Person*

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Massimo's P.O.V

It was around midnight and I had been inside my office for a long time now. After that threatening message that I had seen in front yard I had to do something. So, I contacted my most trusted alliance and told them about my situation. Usually I'd never called for someone's help but this time I needed it and besides I wasn't an egoistic man who even if was drowning would rather die than call for help. I wasn't stupid!

Deep down I knew who they were, who was the one who wanted to take her but I wanted to confirm it before taking any action. 'They once took my everything away from me. I won't let them do it again!' I felt my jaw clenching at the memory of my past.

'Wait, did you just mention "my everything" & her in same sentence!'

I sighed heavily as I leaned back in my chair. I had no work to do and I had done my dinner as well even though I didn't want to but Sabrina literally forced me & brought my food here much to my irritation and dismay.
So, I stood up and made my way out of the office room.

As I was about to open my bedroom door I heard a loud noise more like a scream a feminine scream. Without a second thought I ran towards the sound and when I noticed from where it came I ran even faster. It was coming from Maya's room, it was her.

When I reached her room I saw Marcos and Marcelo running towards her room as well. They too must've heard her scream.

"What happened?" Marcelo asked as we stood by her room.

I didn't answer him and just tried to open the door of her room. Since it was locked from the inside without wasting any time I pushed the door with extreme force and in my third attempt it got opened.
The room was all dark and only the moonlight through the balcony door was coming inside. I saw her standing near her bed with hands covering her ears while she was still screaming but it was more like a combination of a sob & scream. She sounded like as if she was having difficulty in breathing.

I ran towards her and without a second thought wrapped my arms around her waist. Her body was trembling but she got relaxed when I hugged her from behind.

"Shh amore you're fine You're ok. Shh I'm here." I tried to calm her down when I noticed her heavy breathing only then I remembered the day when she had gotten a panic attack. 'Shit! She's having a one now!'

I turned her around while still holding her in my arms. The moment she fully turned around she hugged me back and buried her face in my chest. I started rubbing her back, trying to calm her down. I had no fucking idea how to calm someone. I had no idea how to stop someone from crying and at that very moment I felt something inside me broke a little when I saw her so vulnerable that I could've done anything to bring a smile on her face !

Slowly I broke the hug but didn't remove my arms around her and made her sit down on the bed. I told Marcelo to give me some water for her.

"Drink this." I said in the most calming way because last thing I wanted was to intimidate her. I brought the glass to her mouth and she hesitantly drink it and then gulped down the entire glass.

I didn't say anything just sat there on my knees in front of her, waiting for her to calm down so that I could ask what was wrong.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now