78. *Plan In Action*

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Massimo's P.O.V

'What is Liam doing here?' I thought as I looked at him being inside Maya's room? 'And what the heck is he doing inside her room?' I had no information about him coming over and he would always inform beforehand, so it was a surprise for me to have him here, especially with Maya. And by the look of it they both looked to be engrossed in some whatever conversation they were having.

I heard Maya's soft giggle and my eyes involuntarily got narrowed. Since the door was ajar opened I could see inside, and currently Liam must've said something funny to her that made her giggling like that. 'When was the last time she giggled with me like that?' I didn't like the answer that came with that question.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do. 'Should I just walk away and leave them with whatever conversation they're having, or should I barge inside and politely ask Liam to get the fuck out of her room?' It was close to some torture for me to witness her being so carefree and happy with someone else.

'Well, you could've had all of that but you decided to be an asshole!' My subconscious mind taunted.

I knew I couldn't have her the way I wanted. In the beginning it was just physical attraction, just about getting her under me, on my bed. But soon, without my knowledge she became more than that, and I couldn't have that. I couldn't ruin her life. I couldn't force her into my dangerous world because that would only end her where my mamma had ended. I had already lost one woman in my life, I couldn't have afford to lose her as well in that way.

I remembered Liam showing some interest in Maya when he had been here the last time. But he had backed off saying he had known that someone else (that was me) already had eyes on her. Liam was a good man, he sure was a mafia boss but he was definitely not cruel, cold-hearted bastard like me. If there was anyone that could be seen worthy enough to be with Maya, it unfortunately was him. But then again he was also in the mafia, so there was no way I'd let him have her.

'Ya, him being in the mafia is the only reason why I won't let him have her!' I knew my subconscious mind wouldn't agree with me on that.

So, I let them knew that I was there. They had been conversing for a while anyway. I knocked on the ajar door, instantly getting their attention on me. Her beautiful eyes fell on me, first surprised, then she narrowed them a little and looked away.

"Oh Hi Massimo." Liam said, still sitting on her bed. "I hope you don't mind me coming over here unannounced." He then said. "As soon as I found out about the accident I just couldn't stop myself." He looked back at Maya, then put his hand over hers and gave it a damn squeeze. "I just wanted to come here soon & make sure everyone was ok." Ya of course, he had wanted to make sure "everyone" was ok by just sitting here and chatting with Maya. I had been in the accident as well but not once did he ask if I was alright.

"Of course not. Why would I mind you coming here." I said letting out a forced smile. In return he grinned back at me. He was still on the bed, not making a single move to get up and possibly make some distance between him and her.

I cleared my throat, looking in between them. Maya was not looking at me, she was looking in my direction but not at me. I knew it was for the best but I just didn't like how she had been having a full on conversation with Liam and had been giggling with him, but she'd not even spare me a look.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now