82. *For The First Time*🔞⚠️

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They found her. The three worded sentence resonated inside her head as she tried to take in the meaning of those words. All her life Maya had thought why her mother had left her behind. She would often question herself what could've been the reason of her sudden disappearance from her life and that too during such critical time, and then she'd get angry, angry on her mother for leaving her young child all alone by herself in this cruel world.

Maya would often think to ask her just once, she just needed to ask her why. And now that she might have the chance to finally meet her and ask her, Maya didn't know how to react. One person that she'd loved the most besides her dad was her mom, but after that day, she had started hating her, but deep down even she couldn't help but to long for her mother's love.

Massimo saw the look in her eyes, he didn't know what to say. He had just wanted to help her find her mom as he figured she would want to know about her mother's whereabouts. He didn't know if he did the right thing or not, but he knew deep down Maya also wanted to know about her mother, contrary to what she might say. After all he knew what it was like to lose your mother.

Maya came out of her thoughts as Massimo took her hand in his and gave her a gentle squeeze. Maya wanted to snatch her hand back from his grip, and to tell him that he shouldn't have put his nose into other's business, but the moment she looked up at his face and their eyes met she just couldn't. The look on his face said it all. He had just wanted to help her, to get reunited with her mom. Although he might not know the depth of her situation, but he knew what it was like to lose your mom.

Sighing out loud, Maya let him gently caress her hand while looking at her patiently and waiting for her to say something.

"I just, I don't - don't really know what to say Massimo." She said, looking away from his intense gaze. "This is just so, just so sudden and unexpected."

"I totally understand where you're coming from amore." Massimo said while still caressing her hand. "And I don't expect any answer or reaction from you all of a sudden."

"I just wanted to inform you this because I thought you deserved to know." He then tuck a single strand of her hair behind her ear.

Maya couldn't decide whether to slap him for putting her in such a situation, or jump onto him and hug him for being so understanding and not demanding. From a man like Massimo, who only ordered and never listened, one couldn't expect to have a normal, civil conversation where he would actually listen and understand your situation.

"Can we just close this conversation for now?" She asked not being able to talk more about her mother or anything related to it.

"Of course amore. Like I said you don't have to feel pressurised." Massimo exclaimed. "We can have this conversation later or whenever you want." He cupped her face gently and only then Maya all of a sudden got reminded that she was still very much naked behind that pillow she had been using to hide her body from him.

And by the look of Massimo's face, he also realised the same as his hungry eyes slowly moved down to her naked shoulder, he noticed her clutching the pillow tightly and he so wanted to snatch it away, so that he could feast on her bare skin. The sight of her ample bossom was still very much fresh in his mind, but he wanted to see them again in real and then suck on her nipples to make her moan his name out loud.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now