64. *Back Home*

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Massimo's P.O.V

"Oh mio dio" Came out Martha's voice as I helped Maya to get out of the car. We had left from the hospital after the doctors had said that she could now go back home.
Home? Since when did I start referring to my mansion as home?

I hadn't left her from my sight ever since she had put her foot out of the hospital. I had seen her reluctance on seeing the car. It was understandable after the accident, so I made sure to be by her side all the time, and for her to not worry about anything.

"It's so good to see you back mia cara..." Said Gabrielle, as both her and Martha stood by the entrance.
Maya on seeing them smiled up at them.

"Careful" I instructed as she started to walk towards the entrance of the mansion. Halting in her steps a bit she looked at me from her peripheral vision, "I um I can walk from here on my own." She then murmured. "You don't have to hold me anymore."

Looking back at her I said, "I'm sure you can amore, but I'd rather safely drop you straight onto your bed than let you slip or fall on your way to your room." This time she completely looked at me. Her eyes they held something while she looked at me.

A car honk made her to look away from my eyes. It was Enzo. He and Hana had drove after us in one car, while Maya and I, along with her friends drove in another car.

"You guys haven't entered yet?" Came his irritated voice as he stepped out of the car. "Hurry up boss she must be tired. Can't have her standing for very long." He said in mocked seriousness.

I just ignored him like usual and continued walking, with Maya right beside me, my hand holding hers in a tight but not painful grip.

From my peripheral vision I saw Maya's friends following behind us. I couldn't see their faces properly but I knew they were in awe at seeing my mansion and also the scenery of the surroundings.

We reached inside and started to walk towards the stairs. As we neared the steps Maya was about to climb up when I stopped her. "Wait." She did stop. "Can you walk up the stairs?" I asked. "Um I can. I mean I'm feeling a bit lethargic but I gotta reach my room right?" She said and then shrugged innocently.

"Ya right." I said then bent down a little and put my arms around her. She obviously didn't see that coming because before she could even think what was happening, I already had her in my arms.

She gasped as now I held her up in the air in my arms. On its own, her arms got wrapped around my neck out of instinct. "Massimo..." Came out her surprised voice. "Put me down." She said but the way she was tightly clutched to my chest said otherwise.

"Just hold me tightly, you'll be fine." I tried to assure her. "Trust me." I said as she was about to say something. "Okay?" I asked to which she hesitantly but nodded nonetheless.

"Sta portando il suo stile da sposa." Martha gushed as both her and Gabrielle giggled like teenage girls.
(He's carrying her bridal style)

I saw Maya looking back at them but she instantly looked away and casted her eyes down.

"You go up I'll bring you some soup." Gabrielle gushed and then left for the kitchen. "And I'll bring you some sliced apples." Saying that Martha also left.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now