87. *Explanation*

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You know that feeling when you start questioning everything around yourself, when you be like Was my whole life a lie? That's exactly what Maya was feeling.

A few minutes ago, Maya had reluctantly agreed to whatever explanation her mother had wanted to give her. So, she had listened and the entire time she had been quietly listening, not just because she had nothing to say, but also because she had been too stunned to speak anything.

'My dad wasn't my real father?'
'I had a sister? A twin sister?'
'Mom is russian?'
'This man who's my mom's husband is my real father?'
'My uncle is a son-of-a-bitch because of whom my parents never contacted me?'
'They're related to RUSSIAN MAFIA?!'

All those questions started to hit Maya one after another. Seeing her mother after years was one thing, but knowing all of that was an entirely different thing. Never had she ever thought of that in her life.

Sophia and Viktor looked at each other on seeing Maya lost in her own thoughts. They could tell it was all a lot to take in for her and they didn't blame her. At least now Maya knew about everything.

"Say something my darling." Sophia was the one to speak first.

It was as if Maya was in some trance, she blinked her eyes a few times and then looked at her mom. "Huh?" She was still processing everything.

Sighing, Viktor filled a glass of water and offered it to his daughter. "Drink some water." And without saying anything, Maya took the glass and gulped down the water.

"I know it's a lot to take in but that's the truth." Sophia said.

"And why do you think I should believe you?" Maya then said, finally able to speak. "For all I know this could be just a made up story." Although she said that but deep down in her heart she couldn't overlook the obvious things. Like Kaya being her twin sister and Viktor being her real dad. Maya looked like her mom but her eyes were just like her dad's....Viktor.

Before any of them could say something, a loud bang was heard in the distance. Sophia's eyes widened as she gave her husband a knowing look. "Oh no...."

Viktor cursed under his breath. He had known that they wouldn't have been able to hide for longer that's why he had planned for them to leave for The USA, once Maya had known about everything. But looked like they didn't take time into consideration and now he was here.

Viktor stood up from the bed and immediately pulled out the gun from the cabinet, where he had been keeping it. Maya was not sure why they were getting frantic all of a sudden. Another bang sounded in the distance, and now footsteps could be heard. Maya immediately stood up as well on realising something. 'Is he here? Has he found me?'

"You two stay right here, and under any circumstances Do Not come outside." There was no way Viktor would let him take his daughter away. Now that their daughter Maya was with them, Viktor would do anything to keep her safe. He had failed to protect his one daughter but he'd die protecting Maya.


It took Massimo a complete one hour to find the location of where Maya was held being captive. That one hour had been the most longest and gruesome one hour of his life. He couldn't help but to keep thinking of different scenarios, about how they were treating Maya and it took everything in him to not murder every single being coming his way, he was that pissed.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now