98. *Deja Vu*

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Maya was in her bedroom, scrolling through her news feed, but her mind wasn't actually paying attention to any of it, instead her thoughts were surrounded by something else.

Ever since Friday, she had been spending more of her time inside her room as she had yet to confront her mother regarding the entire fake cheating thing. She had recently started to bond with her mother after finally reuniting with her after years. And now after Friday, Maya didn't know how to look at her mom without thinking back to all those days, when she had silently cried in her room because of Massimo's fake betrayal.

Her mother had known about the truth all along and yet she had chosen to stay quiet. All the trust that Sophia had managed to gain in the past months, all of that was now fading away because Maya didn't know how to trust her mother again after all of that.

A faint knock on her bedroom door brought Maya out of her thoughts. She knew it was her mom since no one else was there.

Maya had been avoiding her mother and was about to do the same again, but then she decided against it.

Sophia thought just like previously Maya wouldn't answer her, but when the door to Maya's room opened and Maya looked at her mother, Sophia knew her daughter was ready to talk to her.

Giving out a faint smile, Sophia hesitantly looked at Maya. She had been having a hard time looking into the eyes of her daughter, because of what she had done. When she could've easily ended her daughter's misery, she had watched her very pregnant daughter suffer in silence.

"Uh how're you my dear?" Sophia asked.

"I'm fine." Maya simply replied.

"I um wanted to tell you something." Sophia then said. "I've been actually wondering about this lately..." She began. "....that I should start looking for a place to live." Maya didn't say anything as Sophia wasn't done yet. "I know you're probably having a hard time living in the same place as me, given what I did." Sophia let out an awkward smile at the end. "I don't want you to live uncomfortably in your own house." She then looked at her daughter in the eyes. "So, I've decided that I should move out."

Maya surely was very upset with her mother, but she also knew that Sophia didn't have anyone other than Maya, especially here in America Sophia had nowhere else to be. No matter how upset Maya was with her, there was no way she'd let her mom, especially when she was only getting older day by day, to be by herself. Maya wasn't that cruel.

Sighing, Maya took her mom's hand in hers, taking Sophia by surprise. "You don't have to move out." She said. "Yes, I'm upset with you, but we'll sort this out. You don't have to leave for that."

Maya had spent a lot of time thinking to herself as to why her mom had done what she had done. And as she had gone through each and every possibility, she realised from where Sophia was coming. Now that Maya herself would be a mother soon, she realised how protective she had started to feel for her unborn baby, and the baby wasn't even born yet. If Maya put herself in her mother's shoes maybe she would've also gone to any heights if that meant the safety of her baby, without caring about anything else.

What Sophia had done, it had been something any mother would've done, for the sake of their child's safety. Sophia had two choices to make for her daughter, a loving partner but dangerous life and other was a safe life but without that partner. Needless to say, Sophia had gone with the second one because she was a mother who only wanted her daughter, not to forget her only family that was left, to be safe and away from the dangerous world of mafia. Since Sophia had already lost her husband and other daughter because of the mafia, her decision had been the right thing at that time.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat