Episode 94 Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate

Start from the beginning

Wiz: Knock out foes with the Mists of Morpheus, and shield himself using the Seven Rings of Raggadorr.

Boomstick: Who the hell came up with these spell names? Whatever happened to plain old "Abracadabra!"? Everybody loves that one!

"Yeah who doesn't love that" Ruby said.

Wiz: Other techniques of his include illusions, hypnotism, protective force fields, telekinesis, immortality, time manipulation, power stealing, teleportation, dimensional travel, transmutation, spell nullification...

Boomstick: And he can turn himself into a ghost! Woooh!

Wiz: That's his astral form, a projection of Strange's soul, separate from his body, which defies the laws of physics.

Popup: With the Ring of the Ancient One, Strange can perform all the same abilities in his astral form as in his physical body.

Boomstick: Look Wiz, he can go through walls and fly around, that's a ghost.

"He's not wrong" Yang said.

Wiz: To invoke these spells, Strange audibly calls on the powers of the Vishanti, three godly beings of enormous power.

Popup: Other deities he invokes include the Octessence, the Olympian gods, and Dormammu.

Boomstick/Ruby: Aww, that one's a kitty!

Doctor Strange: I summon forth the shielding powers of the Vishanti!

(He blocks laser blasts.)

Spider-Man: Impressive! He sure puts Mysterio's hocus pocus to shame!

Boomstick: Anyway, after many years of study, Strange's mentor was slain by a creepy hentai monster, and Strange was granted the title of Sorcerer Supreme, which is like a normal sorcerer with all the toppings.

Wiz: As Sorcerer Supreme, Strange was deemed the most powerful magic user, and defender of the world. To better perform his duties, he carries numerous magical artifacts which assist him in battle.

Boomstick: The Cloak of Levitation lets him fly without magic and has a mind of its own, like Aladdin's magic carpet, but way more stylish. The Wand of Watoomb amplifies his powers, and the Axe of Angaruumus...whatever, cuts through mystical beings. Fun fact, Strange found that axe in my ex-wife's old witch cave. I mean, apartment.

"Sure you do" Weiss said

Wiz: But most versatile of all is the Eye of Agamotto. With this amulet, Strange can perceive any truth, absorb massive amounts of energy, enhance his psychic powers, and fire a light that can weaken and obliterate magical entities.

Popup: In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Eye of Agamotto merely contains an Infinity Stone. This is untrue in Strange's primary comic continuity, where the Eye instead possesses its own power.

"Woah okay that's pretty cool" Yang said

Boomstick: If you haven't noticed, Doctor Strange is super powerful, with all this magical mumbo jumbo, he's taken on some of the biggest threats in the universe!

Dormammu: Set me free!

Strange: No. I've come to bargain.

Boomstick: And if he ever gets stuck, he basically just rewrites the rules of reality, which is probably what happens when you divide by zero.

Wiz/Weiss: That's not even possible.

Boomstick/Yang: Exactly! It's magic, Wiz!/Weiss! Anything can happen!

Wiz: Strange's astral form has traveled across the planet in, quote, "precious seconds", putting him at several million miles per hour.

Boomstick: Even better, when Adam Warlock once used an Infinity Gem to banish Strange to the far reaches of the universe, Strange just cast a spell that zoomed him all the way back! So yeah, f you, Adam!

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