Episode 92: Sora VS Pit

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"Another day another Death battle" Yang said as she started the episode.


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Wiz: If the fate of the universe is at stake, the last person you should trust to save it is a naive teenager with magical weapons they don't understand, but everybody does it anyway.

Boomstick: Like Sora, the Keyblade wielding savior of Kingdom Hearts.

Wiz: And Pit, the angel warrior from Kid Icarus.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


Wiz: Once upon a time, there was a small child, full of promise, named Sora.

Boomstick: And he lived on the one and only Destiny Island. Sora and his friends, Riku and Kairi, grew up honing their athletic skills by playing sports with Final Fantasy characters who don't judge Sora's fashion choices. Wait a minute, what the hell are Final Fantasy characters doing there?

"Maybe there dlc characters" Yang said

Wiz: A hint of things to come. For the longest time, the residents of Destiny Island lived a peaceful life, but it wasn't long until a soulless embodiment of evil would invade the island, this was the Heartless.

"They look like Grimm but more cartoony" Weiss said

Boomstick: But the arrival of these creepy crawlers wasn't the only surprise. Alongside the darkness came light, in the form of a Keyblade, which is the key to fixing everything. Super subtle.

Wiz: This Keyblade in particular was known as the Kingdom Key, and was drawn to Sora thanks to his pure heart. With the Kingdom Key, Sora had the means to combat the Heartless.

Boomstick: By unlocking doors?

Wiz: Well... yes. The Keyblade can get past almost any lock out there, but despite not having a long, sharp edge, it's a surprisingly deadly sword.

"A weapon that can unlock anything and it's a sword?! I want one!" Ruby said

"Same here" Weiss and Blake said

Popup: The Kingdom Key was originally intended for Riku, but he was lost to darkness. Sora, having touched the light in Riku's heart, received the Keyblade instead.

Boomstick: It's a key, it's a sword, and it's also a wand. Sora can use it to cast all sorts of magic spells like a wizard. He can even shoot a laser beam all the way to the moon.

"Okay that's an impressive sword" Weiss said

Popup: Sora can use some magic without the Keyblade, but it helps by enhancing his magical prowess and acts as a conduit for spells.

Wiz: Unfortunately, despite his newfound weapon, the Heartless were overwhelming. The darkness washed over Destiny Island and, just like that, it was (echoes) gone.

"Aww" Ruby said in sadness as the others felt sympathy for Sora.

Boomstick: But thanks to cosmic reasons, Sora wound up face to face with Goofy and Donald Duck. Yep, he ended up in the most magical place on Earth: Disney.

Wiz: If you're confused: Don't worry, you're not hallucinating. Somehow, in some way, this impossibility exists. Turns out, while Goofy and Donald have been lovable cartoons for decades, they're also world-hopping warriors.

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