Episode 94 Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate

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(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Wiz: The art of magic is a perplexing thing. Only those with the right knowledge, talent, and willpower can truly claim to be the most powerful wizards of all.

Boomstick: Like Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme of Marvel Comics.

Wiz: And Doctor Fate, DC's defender of cosmic order.

"Looks like another magic fight" Yang said

"Yep" Blake said

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

Doctor Strange

Wiz: Doctor Stephen Strange wasn't just any brilliant neurosurgeon, he was the very best.

Boomstick: Too bad he was also a prick, who cared more about the money he made than the patients he worked on.

"Why does that not surprise me" Weiss said knowing a certain mustached A-hole who deserves to be behind bars.

Strange: Sensational patients bring recognition, recognition brings money, and money keeps Well Haven's doors open.

"Wow what a jerk" Ruby said

"Yeah no kidding" Yang said

Boomstick: Can't blame him though. When your entire family kicks the bucket one by one like Stephen's did, it's kinda hard to get attached to anybody else. Also, money's just great!

"Well money can't buy anything" Blake said

Wiz: Strange's talent at the operating table earned him celebrations worldwide, his work became more expensive, and his bank account rose into the millions.

Boomstick: And then...

(Strange horrifically crashes his car.)

"Oh man can't say he deserved it though but it was his fault" Weiss said

Boomstick: Don't text and drive kids. Strange survived, but his hands got terrible nerve damage, making them useless for complex tasks like, oh, I don't know, surgery! Pretty inconvenient...

"Yeah I don't know what I do if I lost my hand" Yang said.

Wiz: To find a cure, Strange spent his entire fortune and traveled the globe until he found the Ancient One. He had heard of this man's befuddling mystic healing powers, and at this point, he was up for trying anything.

Boomstick: But the old dude refused to cure him. Instead, he offered to teach Strange how to use magic himself and become a superhero! Who needs hands when you have magic?

"People need hands to do magic" Ruby said

Wiz: Through his training, Strange discovered many secrets of the universe, along with plenty of handy spells. He has learned so many charms, jinxes, enchantments, conjurations, hexes, and incantations that it would be impossible to list them all now, but he certainly has his favorites.

Boomstick: Like the nearly unbreakable Bands of Cyttorak. Unless you're super strong like The Hulk or Thanos, no way you're snapping these chains!

Wiz: He can surround foes in everlasting fire with the Flames of Faltine, launch energy shots called the Bolts of Balthakk...

Boomstick: Did you just say ballsack?

Weiss just facepalmed herself while the two half sisters and even Blake laughed at that.

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