Chapter 37

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After we left the dorm, Hermione and I walked down the girls' staircase and waited for Ron and Harry. When they'd finally came down a few minutes later, they looked over at us with a somewhat surprised look on their faces.

"Where have you been?" Asked Ron. "We haven't seen you in days, mate."

"Yeah, I was sick," I said, sniffling. "I think I'm alright now, I feel a lot better."

Ron and Harry nodded in understanding.

Hermione gave me a look but didn't say anything. I felt kind of bad about lying to Harry and Ron, but if I were to tell them that Draco Malfoy was the main reason why I physically couldn't get out of bed for three days straight, they would have been pissed, and I didn't want to deal with it.

"Why are you wearing makeup?" Asked Harry. "Is there an occasion?"

"No," I said. "I feel more confident when I wear it, so I just wanted a bit of a confidence boost for today, that's all."

"Or she just wanted to get all dressed up for Malfoy." Ron nudged me slightly, and I let out an exasperated sigh. I heard Hermione wince quietly next to me, but neither of the boys seemed to notice.

"Maybe Draco would think you look prettier with makeup." Said my conscience. "Merlin knows that you need it."

I shrugged off the thought and shifted my attention back onto Ron.

"Shut up," I said while forcing a small laugh. "I'm doing this for myself, who cares what everyone else thinks?"

"You do," Said my conscience.

"Shut up," I thought back.

"Good for you," Said Harry, raising his hand for a high-five. I high-fived him back and sent him a small smile.

"Thanks," I said.


That day at breakfast, I couldn't help but look glance at the Slytherin table, hoping that I could get a glance of the one and only, Draco Malfoy. I was attempting to hide it in front of Hermione, Ron, and Harry, but I couldn't help but feel sad about me and Draco's relationship, even though I was finally out of my bed and attempting to be a functioning human being.

It wasn't so much the "depression" aspect of it, it was more of the guilty/anxious side, and I couldn't help but think that what had happened was all my fault. He'd said it himself that what I did was disgusting, but the problem was that I had no idea what I had done to provoke/hurt him in any way.

As the day progressed, I found myself gradually feeling a lot better. All of my classes went by extremely quickly since the only classes that I had before the end of the day that day were Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Muggle Studies, and Herbology, which I was thankful for since Draco was in none of these classes. For the three days, I had almost forgotten how much I missed Penny, and Neville, and Ron, and Harry, and the rest of my friends, and being around them lifted my spirits almost instantly.

Of course, this optimism had to come to an end, since my last class of the day was double potions with the Slytherins, and I usually sat with Draco.

As I walked to Potions class with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, I began to think about how exactly I was going to be able to work with Draco after what had gone down. I hadn't seen him at all since the fight, not even at meals, so it was quite obvious that he was avoiding me. I don't think I could verbally express how much I missed him, but there wasn't anything I could do other than to wait it out.

Weirdly, I wasn't very anxious at all as we made our way to the potions room. Other than my usual ticks and fidgets, I wasn't very nervous about what was going to happen when Draco and I would be forced to talk to each other, because I'd already figured out that he wouldn't want to be willing to talk to me.

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