Chapter 49

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"That was so much fun." I said quietly as we headed towards the Gryffindor Common Room."You did well back there Potter, I have to admit." Said Fred, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Who's there!?" I heard someone shout. "Oh shit, it's a Prefect," I whispered. "What do we do?"

"Run." Fred and George spoke in sync. "The Common Room is only a few corners away."

As they said that, we all bolted. A few minutes later we arrived at the Gryffindor Common Room. Sir Cadogan was sleeping peacefully in his painting. "Sir Cadogan!" I hissed. He suddenly jolted up with his spear in hand, scaring the living shit out of me.


"SHHH!" Fred, George and I said in unison.

"You must say the password—"

"Fortuna Major," I said. "Now let us in. Hurry up."

"Wrong! Now you must duel me!" Sir Cadogan almost squealed in delight.

"What do you mean 'wrong'? That's the password." George stated annoyedly.

"No, it isn't. I changed it." Sir Cadogan Said proudly.

"What? You can't just change it!" Fred said.

"Well I just did, didn't I?" Sir Cadogan retorted.

"I'm going to Dumbledore." I sighed turning.

"We can't remember? It's almost midnight, and we aren't supposed to be out after curfew." Fred sighed.

"Well, we could always tell him in the morning." I sighed.

"I think not. We shall duel, and if you refuse, I shall tell that you have been out past curfew." Sir Cadogan smirked.

"I fucking hate this guy," I said, clenching and unclenching my hands.

"Language," Fred said, sounding like a middle-aged father.

(A/N: I swear to fucking god if someone makes a comment about how he would die before then—)

"Shut up Fred, swearing is my coping mechanism for stress. Also, how would I even 'duel' you? It's not like I can hop into the damn painting. This isn't fucking SuperWhy." I rolled my eyes.

"Sweetie, your inner American is showing." Fred sighed. "And what is 'SuperWhy'?"

"Shut it, Fred," I sighed. "I'm sorry I'm really stressed out right now, and this dingus is making me mad, and I just—"

"Hush child. I'll handle this. No need to have a mental breakdown." George smirked, reaching into his back pocket.

Fred put his hand on my shoulder, and I flinched for a second, not expecting it.

"What if we gave you...this."

George showed the guy three silver coins and a licorice rapper.

"Three sickles? I think not. You are going to have to do more than that."

George pouted like a little kid that didn't get ice cream when he asked.

"Come on, can you just let us in?" I rolled my eyes.

"No, you must say the password." Said Sir Cadogan.

"But you changed it and you won't tell us what it is," Fred said.

"Exactly." Said Sir Cadogan.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" George said suddenly.

"Who exactly am I talking to?" Sir Cadogan asked.

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