Chapter 32

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"Good," Hermione said slipping the blade back into her pocket.

"BOYS, YOU CAN COME IN NOW!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Wait, the guys are out there?" I asked. "This entire time? They can't come in, I look and feel like a hot piece of garbage.

"Wait a minute!" Hermione yelled.

"Is she okay?" I heard Harry ask.

"I'm fine," I said loudly.

"They were out there the whole time," Ginny admitted. "Hermione, Ariel and I thought we heard crying so we checked it out and told them that when we were good, they could come in."

Hermione wet a rag with warm water and gave it to me. "Put it on your face. It'll make the red eyes go away." I put the rag on my face. "Okay we're good," Ariel said. "You can come in now."

"Finally." I heard Draco say. "Shut up Malfoy. We had the stuff to deal with." Ginny narrowed her eyes. "Okay, no need to go full Gryffindor on me, Weaselette." Draco held his hands up in surrender.

"Call me Weaselette again and I will hurt you," Ginny growled. "Calm down. I believe you. Weaselette." Draco smirked.

"That's it." Ginny lunged at Draco, but Ron caught her by the waist mid-lunge. Ron threw her over his shoulder. "Ron let go of me!" Ginny screamed, struggling to get out of Ron's grip.

"Ron since when are you that strong?" I asked.

"I got used to this a long time go, to be honest," Ron said.

"My brother Bill knew that Ginny was going to punch a few dozen people, so last summer he trained me. Meaning that he made me carry bricks up and downstairs until I got used to it." Ron shrugged.

"Why haven't you used your strength on me?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Because you scare me and you're probably a lot stronger than I am," Ron said still holding a struggling Ginny.

"Good answer," I said with a smile. Despite having a panic attack less than ten minutes before, I slowly felt myself going back to normal. I don't know what it was, but being surrounded by all of my friends made my feel significantly better than it ever had before.

Harry, Hermione, and Draco were watching in amusement.

"Well, I gotta go give her to Fred and George. Their turn to babysit now." Ron said.

"Oh shove off Ronald," Ginny said as Ron carried her out of the room.

I took the rag off of my face. "How bad is it?" I asked.

"Good enough," Hermione said.

"So. We have the stuff to talk about." Hermione and Harry pulled up chairs, Ariel curled up next to me on my bed, and Draco sat on the foot of it.

"So you know about Sirius Black coming into the castle right?" Harry asked.

I nodded. "Ryan told me," I lied smoothly.

"Who's Ryan?" Hermione asked.

"A Ravenclaw. He's on our year." I saw Draco tense from my peripheral vision.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Stay away from him. He's not a good person." Draco said.

"Oh please. Would a bad person get me orchids and a giant card?" I asked smirking playfully.

"I'm not joking Maya. Stay away from him." Draco said.

"Okay, okay," I said holding hands up in surrender.

"I'm such a liar." I thought to myself.

I gave Hermione a look that said clearly said that I wasn't going to stay away from him. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Anyway, while you guys were in Hogsmeade, Ariel and I talked to Professor Lupin and he said that he was going to try to help us with our dementor problem," Harry said.

"How?" I asked.

He's going to teach us how to make a Patronus." said Harry, grinning.

"Ah," I said.

"And we also have bad news. So, Buckbeak the hippogriff, the one that slashed Zabini's arm, he's on trial. And we have to help defend Buckbeak." Hermione said.

Draco swore under his breath. "My father is apart of the Hogwarts governors. He won't stop until a) Buckbeak is dead, b) Hagrid is sacked, or c) Dumbledore is fired." Draco sighed.

"Reason twenty-four why I loathe Lucius Malfoy." Hermione took a notepad and a pen out of her robes and made a tally mark on the paper.

"Are you seriously tallying up the reasons that you hate my father?" Draco asked. "Because I have so many other stories that will make you hate him more."

"Like what?" Ariel asked.

"He despises anyone apart of the LGBTQ+ community," Draco said.

"That's another tally," Hermione said marking the notepad.

"What's that?" Ariel asked.

Hermione, Harry Draco and I froze. We all shared a look.

"Not it." Draco said quickly. "Me neither!" Harry exclaimed.

Hermione and I rolled our eyes and nodded. "LGBT. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender." I stated.

Basically, a lesbian is when a girl attracted to only girls. Being gay is the same thing but with boys. If a boy is only attracted to other boys, he is gay. Being bisexual is when either a boy or a girl likes both genders." I explained.

"A transgender person is a person that was born as one gender but identifies as another gender because they don't feel as if it fits them. For example, a transgendered woman is a woman that was born into this world as a man. Any more questions?"

"Oh," Ariel said blushing.

"Don't forget about the birds and the bees," Draco said.


"You're her sister, "Draco said.

"What's that?" Ariel asked.


"I'll start. When a mummy and daddy love each other very very much--" I cut Draco off and glared at him.




The Lost Potter || Draco Malfoy [BOOK 1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें