Chapter 33

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"You are free to go." Madam Pomfrey smiled at me. "Let me just get your crutches out of the back."

She walked into one of the rooms in the back.

"Finally, I get to leave this hellhole." I sigh, looking at Draco, Hermione, Ariel, Harry, and Ron.

"Language Maya." Hermione scolded.

"Sorry," I said nonchalantly.

"MAAAAAYYYYYYYAAAAAAA!" Becca groaned, stomping into the hospital wing.

"Becca, stop being dramatic," I said rolling my eyes.

"I can't! Cedric hasn't talked to me in years!" Becca dramatically collapsed next to my hospital bed.

Draco and Harry raised their eyebrows.

"Becca. It'a been less than three days." I smiled.

"But still! He's my brother! Why is he even mad at me!?" Becca asked.

"Diggory has a sister?" Ron asked. "Since when?"

"June 16, 1982. Deal with it." She briefly glared at Ron and looked at me.

"Well, you did stuff a dungbomb down his trousers mid-snog," I said.

"WELL, HE DESERVED IT!" Becca groaned.

"If you want to talk to him that badly, go apologize to him," I said with amusement.

"Maya do you know nothing? When you prank someone, you don't apologize. It defeats the purpose." Draco said as if it was obvious.

"THANK YOU BLONDIE," Becca yelled.

"Did she just call me blondie?" Draco asked himself.

"Yep." Hermione put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well, I don't know your name. To be honest I don't care enough to find out." Becca muttered. "But anyway--"

"Becca that's rude!" I scolded, cutting her off.

"YOU ARE MY NEW FAVORITE PERSON!" Ariel exclaimed, pointing at Becca.

"Thank you. Thank you very much." Becca smiled egotistically.

"Oh shut up. You aren't that amazing." I jested, rolling my eyes.

She violently but hand on her heart. "I am hurt."

"You are fine. Hermione, Harry, Ariel, Ron, Draco, this is Rebecca Diggory. Becca this is Harry, my brother, Ron, his best friend, Hermione, my best girl-friend, Draco, my best guy friend, and Ariel, my sister." I introduced.

Becca smirked and stood up.

First, she turned to Harry. "Well if it isn't Harry freaking Potter."

"Hi." Said Harry awkwardly.

"I have a question," Becca said.

"Which is?" Asked Harry. "Can I try on your glasses?" Becca asked. "," Harry said. "Please?" Becca begged. "Fine." Harry sighed.

He took off his glasses, blinked for a few seconds, and handed them to Becca.

"Harry you are way too nice," I said. "I know," Harry said reluctantly as Becca put on the glasses.

"Wow, your eyesight is awful," Becca said giving the glasses back to Harry and turning to face Ron.

"Red hair, freckles. Weasley?" She asked. Ron nodded.

"Cool." Becca then turned to Draco.

"Did you bleach your hair, or is it just naturally that blonde?" Becca asked.

"You ask a lot of questions." Noted Draco.

"Well, I am a Ravenclaw," Becca said proudly. "Now answer the question."

"Yes it's naturally blonde." sighed Draco.

"You should dye it. Maybe like a dirty brown or something. It'll make your eyes pop." Becca stated standing on her tippy toes and examining his hair.

"Okay?" Draco asked. Then Becca looked at Ariel.

"You're pretty. Have you ever thought about eating more? You're like a twig. But it has glitter and sparkles." Becca lifted one of Ariel's arms and wiggled it.

Ariel flushed red and looked down bashfully. "Eating is my hobby. I try to eat but then I'm still skinny. My parents used to say that there was a black hole in my stomach."

"Then try to build up a little muscle or something. Go on a jog once in a while, lift a weight or two." Becca put Ariel's arm down.

"You aren't my physical therapist...." Ariel's voice trailed off.

"Well, I'm just trying to help." Then Becca turned to Hermione.

"You're pretty too. Just put on a little mascara and a dress and you'll look like a life-sized Barbie doll." Becca smiled.

"Thanks?" Hermione shot Becca a weird look.

"Becca why?" I asked.

"Why not?" Becca asked.


"Becca, just go apologize if you want to talk to him that badly." I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"No. That is the one thing I will not do." Becca said.

"Maya we have discussed this. No apologizing unless the prank results in death and or serious injuries." Draco said with a mock softness in his tone.


"Well, I'm everyone's favorite," Draco said smirking arrogantly.

"Don't push it," Becca warned.

"Got it," Draco muttered taking a small step back.

"Then go up to him. Try to talk to him. If that doesn't work, then talk to me." I said.

"I've tried!" Becca fell to her knees.

"Oh my god, could it be more obvious? Pull the cry card." Ariel said in a 'duh' tone.

"What?" Becca and I asked.

"Here I'll show you," Ariel said. Fake tears make to her eyes.

She walked over to Harry, making him look at her with pity. "Y-you haven't talked to me in--" She sniffled. "Three days. I really miss you and you're my big brother. Just please talk to me?" Ariel asked.

Harry looked both scared and sad, even though she knew she was faking.

"And that's how it's done," Ariel said wiping away the fake tears and rubbing her hands together.

"You are GENIUS!" Becca exclaimed.

"Thank you," Ariel said. "Gotta go. Bye." Becca said and ran out of the room.

"She is mad," Ron said laughing to himself after a few seconds of silence.



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