Chapter 26

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As Hermione and I walked down the Grand Staircase together, I noticed the stares that we were getting from people in the Entrance Hall. "Hermione..." I muttered.

"I see it too." Said Hermione, the smile on her face growing a little wider.

It felt like I was in a movie—Hermione and I were the only ones walking down the stairs, and the fifty people in the entrance hall had their eyes on us. People began to mutter to their friends, and I even noticed Pansy nudge her date, Nott, in pure annoyance as he stared.

It felt really good, and I couldn't exactly point out why.

And then I spotted him.

He was standing by the Great Hall with Penny, Blaise, Daphne, and a Slytherin boy that I had seen before, but I just didn't know the name of.

Draco was leaning against the wall with his hands shoved into his pockets, and not gonna lie, he looked so good. His hair wasn't slicked back or to the side for once, revealing his cute wavy locks. He had a white button-down on, with a black blazer and trousers.

Not to mention—he was wearing a bow tie.

A fucking bow tie.

Blaise nudged him and pointed with a smile, and his eyes shot up to me. His eyes widened for a second, and his face flushed bright red.

"Go!" Hissed Daphne, pushing him forward.

"I'll see you later." Said Hermione as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "Viktor's right over there."

And with that, Hermione was no longer by my side.

I locked eyes with Draco, who looked like his body was being drawn to mine. He looked like he was in a slight daze, and it was a pretty funny sight to watch.

"Hi," He said, blushing out of his mind. "You—you look beautiful."

I smiled, feeling myself go a bit red. He gave me a look that made my heart flutter in my chest. "Thank you so much," I said. "You look cute with your little bow tie."

"Malfoys are not cute." Scowled Draco, still blushing.

"The blush on your cheeks say otherwise." I laughed.

"Shut up." He scowled.

"Make me, Malfoy," I said daringly.

I saw a sudden fire in Draco's eyes, and I could have sworn that he was about to kiss me, but he was interrupted by a screeching voice from across the room.

"Draco!" Exclaimed Pansy, leaving Nott in the dust. "I thought that you weren't talking anyone to the Yule Ball."

I felt a sudden urge to drop kick her to Mexico.

"I lied, Pansy." Said Draco, sounding mildly irritated. "This is my date, Maya. You've met before, correct?"

Pansy glared at me. "You—you—"

"I don't think we have before," I said, deciding to play along and holding out my hand for her to shake. "I'm Maya."

"I don't know how you could go with a bitch like her." Pansy stomped her heels on the ground as if she was a three-year-old having a temper tantrum. "This isn't how it's supposed to be. I'm so much better than her. I'm prettier, I'm smarter, and I don't understand how you don't see that! Mum says that we're going to get married when we're older, so we might as well just be together now!"

"Calling me a bitch isn't gonna get your little 'husband' back," I said, slightly amused by her public breakdown.

"Pansy, you're mental if you think I'll ever marry you." Scowled Draco. "Fuck off."

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