Chapter 63

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After meeting up with Maya, I went back to the Slytherin Common Room, and up to my dorm where Draco was sitting on his bed and reading.

"I'm back," I commented, throwing down my bag and taking my shoes off.

"I can see that Blaise," Said Draco. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm supposed to read this for Transfiguration—" I cut him off.

"I met up with her," I Said. He looked at me and gave me a cold look.

"I specifically told you not to do that. She already hates me as it is, you talking to her is just going to make it worse." Said Draco, closing his book.

"One, I don't ever listen to anything you say because half of the time it's complete bullshit. Second, I'm not just talking to her for your benefit okay? She's actually really down to earth when it comes to helping me with my crap too." I Said.

"Yes, I know that Blaise, considering we were friends for four months." Snapped Draco, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, no need to get snippy with me. Maybe if you weren't such a goddamn arsehole to her—" he cut me off.

"I told you, Blaise, I can't fucking control it!" Exclaimed Draco. "It's like one moment, she's all I can think about, and then immediately as she comes into view my mind just snaps and I hate her. I don't know what the fuck is happening to me. It feels like father—he takes over my mind for a second."

"Okay well, I don't understand why you can't control your emotions, but that's not the point. I talked to her, and I found out somethings." Said Blaise. "I'm not going to tell you most of what happened, because it was intense, but I'll tell you what she said about you."

"What'd she say." Asked Draco.

"She really cares about you Malfoy, and she really loves you as a friend. You just keep giving her more and more excuses to hate you. You hurt her really badly. Not even her own brother looks at her the same anymore." I sighed, sitting on my bed and facing him.

"Blaise, what the hell is wrong with me?" Draco sighed. "Every other second of the day I'm thinking about how amazing she is, and then as soon as I see her, a voice in the black of my head just prods me to say something horrible until I snap. I can't control it, Blaise."

"I don't know mate, but if you want to be with her, or at least be friends with her, you've got to control your mind." I sighed. "She's on the edge. She wants to hate you, but she miraculously doesn't by now. You need to apologize or something."

"But I can't be with her Blaise! I can't be friends with her, I'm not even supposed to be associated with her. My father said if he has people watching me Blaise! I just can't. He might actually kill me. You know how he is...I told you about what happened to my Aunt Andromeda." Said Draco.

"You have to apologize somehow Malfoy, or else she's never going to even attempt to think of you as a good person. Not that an apology would help much, considering you told all of her friends that her foster father molested her." I sighed annoyedly. "What the bloody hell were you thinking?"

"I don't know Blaise, damn it!" Draco snapped. "I don't know what I was thinking! The only thing I could remember was the voice in my head prodding me, and the look on her face after. I made her cry, Blaise."

"I know. But you have to get it together. Especially the Buckbeak comments. Those are just stupid and unnecessary. They also make me look bad too. It's not my fault my mum went to the Committee since her only son was attacked." I sighed.

"My father, he's terrifying. If he catches me smiling near them, I'll be done for Blaise. I just panic!" Said Draco. "That's why I called her so many names, and let Pansy break her nose—" he stopped himself, swallowing.

The Lost Potter || Draco Malfoy [BOOK 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz