Chapter 66

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As April went into May, and May turned into June, everything seemed to be running smoothly, other than the fact that I was stressing constantly because of the Mandrake leaf and my loads of exams.

The weekend after the Quidditch Match, I had put the Mandrake leaf in my mouth, and Sirius said that I wasn't allowed to spit out until June 6th, which was the day that all of my exams ended, and the day that Buckbeak was supposed to be executed.

On June 4th, I managed to get the Invisibility Cloak from Harry without protest and go see Sirius.

When I arrived in the clearing that we usually met in, Sirius was there, as usual, in dog form.

But there was a hint of rage in his eyes as if he was going to attack me.

"Sirius?" I asked. His head snapped towards me, causing me to flinch a little.

He turned back into a human and looked at me with the angriest look he could muster.

"Sirius," I Said again.

"He's not dead." Growled Sirius. "He was running away from a cat that has helped me for a while. I tried to grab him, but he went back into the school, and I couldn't afford to risk it."

"Peter? He's alive? Are you...Sirius?" I asked, intentionally making a pun to try to calm him down.

I saw his angered expression melt into a small smile. "You're so much like your father." Commented Sirius, chuckling a little and ruffling my hair. "And if it weren't for Peter, they'd still be alive, and you and Harry would be able to live in peace."

"We will get him, Sirius. Just when we do, don't do anything that will make you an actual murderer. We'll turn him into the ministry, and prove you are innocent. Then he'll be locked up in Azkaban for most likely the rest of his life." I Said.

"I can't handle this, you've got Lily in you too." Said Sirius, with a sad smile. "They were such good people. Your father was my best friend—my brother more like. Since I'm a Black, my parents were obviously Pureblood Slytherin freaks. When I was sorted into Gryffindor, James was always there for me. When I finally decided to move out when I was sixteen, his parents took me in as if I was their own kid."

I smiled. "I really wish I knew him. He sounds amazing." I sighed.

"He was. When he was around, he was such a good father to you and Harry. He constantly complained about how if 'any guy decides to go near you he would stun them'." Sirius laughed. "He even bought you and Harry a kitten for your first birthday. Sure, you almost strangled it because you loved it so much but—"

I cut him off by laughing. "Wait. What happened to the cat?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Said Sirius. "It probably died."

"Yeah..." I sighed.


On June 6th after all of my exams were finished, I walked into the Gryffindor Common Room, groaning about my exams. I had definitely done the best on Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the worst in Herbology. It wasn't as if I failed, it was just unnecessarily hard considering it was a class of plants, and it annoyed me.

I slumped onto the couch, groaning. After a few minutes of lying there, Ron came into the Common Room. He immediately saw me on the couch and came over to me.

He sat down on the ground so that my face was level with his. "Exams?" He asked immediately.

I responded with a groan, pushing the Mandrake leaf under my tongue. "Me too Potter," He said with a small laugh, awkwardly patting the top of my head. "Me too."

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