Chapter 14

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It was about eleven o'clock at night, and I was trying to go to sleep when my owl Athena swooped in through the open window. She dropped a letter onto my bed and left. I grabbed my wand off of my bedside table and lit the tip.

The front read: From Ariel. I quickly ripped open the letter it said:

Maya, I'm scared. My dad has been really awful to me lately, and I have no idea what to do. Ever since mom told him I was a witch, he started freaking out on me and treating me a lot like how he treated you, and it's terrifying. Yesterday he threw a log of wood for the fire at me, and now my back hurts terribly. If you can, can you please come to get me? I'm sending this back with your owl. I love you.


The second I finished reading, I leaped out of bed and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt quickly. I ran out of the girl's dorm and ran up to the boy's dorms. I knocked on the door to Harry's dorm.

Harry opened the door wearing gym shorts and a white wife-beater. Good enough.

"Maya, what are you—" I interrupted him.

"Go get the cloak. Don't ask questions." I demanded.

He quickly got the cloak and went with me down the stairs. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. I handed him the note. His eyes widened as he read it.

"I don't want her to go through the same thing I did, Harry," I said.

"What did you go through?" Asked Harry.

I stared at him for a good five seconds. "Enough."

"Let's go tell Dumbledore," Harry said.

"That's why I told you to get the cloak," I said.

"Let's go," Harry said and threw the cloak over us. We walked to Dumbledore's study.

"Do you know the password?" I asked Harry.

"Lemon drops," Harry said, and the staircase unveiled.

We sprinted up the staircase, not wanting to be caught by Mrs. Norris or Filch. When we got to the top, we saw Dumbledore pacing in his study.

"Um...excuse me, sir. Sorry to bother you at this hour, but I have something that you would probably like to see." I said, handing him the letter.

He took the letter from my hands and read it. When he was done, he gave the letter back with a twinkle in his eye.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Dumbledore said, holding out his arms for us to grab.

Harry grabbed his left arm, and I grabbed his left. It felt like my insides were being squeezed together. I squished my eyes shut. When I opened them, we were in front of the apartment building.

A wave of nausea went through me, causing me to stumble.

Dumbledore told us to go upstairs and get Ariel while he waited in the parking lot. Harry and I ran to the elevator, and I pressed the up button. When the metal doors opened, we walked into the elevator.

It was by far the most awkward elevator ride I have ever been on. And the elevator music didn't make it any better. It was We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus. Why have that as elevator music? Why not the Jackson 5 or Michael Jackson or something? When we finally got out of the elevator, we ran to the apartment.

From the outside of the door, I could hear screams and cries.

I kicked open the door to the apartment, not caring that it was breaking and entering. What I saw inside made my heart completely break. Ariel was balled up in a corner, crying her eyes out, as Lester kicked her and hit her with a log for the fireplace.

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