Chapter 15

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The next day, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were eating dinner when we heard the Great Hall door slam open. The Great Hall went silent. I turned my head to see Ariel standing there with crutches, and Madame Pomfrey was walking away. Everyone stared.

She squeezed in between me and Harry, laid her crutches on the ground, and took a chicken wing off of my plate.

"Hey! get your own!" I said playfully.

"But the chicken wings are all the way over there." She muttered, reaching for the chicken wings that were two inches away from her fingers.

Hermione and Harry chuckled. "Lazy ass," I muttered and passes her the chicken wings.

Ron was too busy eating to pay attention to us. Ariel took eight wings and ate four of them in less than a minute. Harry and Hermione both raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"Ariel's like Ron when it comes to food," I explained.

"What?" Ariel and Ron asked with food stuffed in their mouths.

"Nothing, get back to stuffing your faces," I said.

They shrugged.

When Ariel finally stopped eating I asked, "Where are you going to stay for the night, and when we are in classes?"

"Dumbledore visited me in the hospital wing. He said I would be sorted tonight and just go to classes along with the first years. I'm supposed to be getting my wand on Sunday." Ariel said. As if he had gotten a cue, Dumbledore had called her name.

I didn't even notice the stool and the sorting hat were there until then. The Great Hall went silent and everyone looked at Ariel.

"Why is she getting sorted four days after the term has started?" Pansy Parkinson said annoyingly, and everyone ignored her. 

Ariel limped up to the stool, sat on it, then put the hat on her head. I noticed that Professor Snape was watching her in pure curiosity, along with most of the other professors.

I was ripped out of my thoughts by the hat yelling:

"GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor table clapped, but I was definitely clapping the loudest.

Professor McGonagall beamed at her and beckoned her over to the teacher's table. Ariel hopped off of the stool and limped over to where McGonagall was seated. McGonagall whispered a few things in her ear and then sent her off to sit with me, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

"What did McGonagall say?" I asked curiously.

"There isn't any more room in the first-year dorms so I'm, going to be staying in your dorm," Ariel said. "And it would make me feel more comfortable, know. Everything."

"Okay, but beware," I said. Hermione laughed while Harry, Ron, and Ariel looked confused.

"Beware of what?" Asked Ariel

"Layla Parkinson. Lavender was just telling me about how she wasn't the best with change, and she tends to be a little angry about it," I explained. "Four days ago, the second day I arrived, she got an attitude with me because I said that she borderline stalks Harry."

"I'm sorry what?" Asked Harry with his eyes wide. "What do you mean 'stalks me'? I've never talked to Layla a day in my life."

"You know, if you're going to talk shit about me, at least let me know," said a voice from behind me. I whipped around, not expecting to hear her voice, but lo-and-behold, Layla Parkinson was standing directly behind me. Her hands were on her hips, and she looked so mad that I wouldn't be surprised if steam started blowing out of her ears.

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