Chapter 15

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After walking nearly a block, we finally reached La Virtud and stepped inside.

"Wow." Said Ariel, looking around.

This wasn't any ordinary 'Tim Hortons' style café. It was a huge fancy diner with a forest green walls with mahogany chairs and tables, a diamond chandelier hanging above each one of them.

"How may I help you?" Asked the man at the front desk. He had a very thick French accent, and he even had the little twirly mustache that made him look French.

"Hi um, we have a reservation with the Malfoys at one o'clock? Mrs. Malfoy said she would have our names on a list, Maya and Ariel?"

He looked at the clipboard that he was holding and pointed at something.

"Amaya Potter and Ariel Foy?" Asked the man.

I nodded. He set down his clipboard and beckoned us to follow him. "Right this way."

We followed him through the café, and I noticed that Ariel was beginning to get very jittery.

"Maya..." She said, worriedly, and I was beginning to sense that she was beginning to have a panic attack.

I quickly grabbed her hand and began to rub the back of it with the bad of my thumb. "It's okay," I said soothingly.

She didn't say anything, and it looked like she was about to faint. Her skin was paling and her breaths were very quick and short.

"Lavender's blue dilly dilly, lavender's green," I sang quietly.

I stopped for a second, to see if she'd continue the line with me, but she was still panicking so I kept going.

"When I am king, dilly dilly, you shall be queen. Call up your men, dilly dilly, send them to work," I sang.

"Some to the plow, dilly dilly, some to the fork." Ariel forced out. "Some to make hay, dilly dilly, some to cut corn."

"While you and I, dilly dilly, keep ourselves warm." I finished as she took a deep breath. "Feel a little better?"

She nodded and buried her face in my chest as we walked. After another minute of walking through the enormous café, the Malfoy table finally was in sight. Narcissa, Draco, and Ryan Lestrange were sitting on the left side of the table, most likely saving the right side for me and Ariel.

"Oh my," I heard Narcissa mutter under her breath, as she slowly stood up.

I heard Ariel gasp and let go of me, staring at Mrs. Malfoy.

"Ariel?" Asked Narcissa in barely a whisper.

Ariel froze in her place, too choked up to say anything. She looked up at me in fear, and then looked back at Narcissa. "It's okay Ariel," I said lightly, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's okay."

It was like a scene from a movie; Ariel took a deep breath, while Narcissa just stared at her, waiting for some sort of confirmation to hug her, and then it happened.

Out of nowhere, Ariel shrugged my hand off of her shoulder and ran right into Narcissa's open arms.

They both looked so excited to see each other, it almost made me tear up. I believe that it was the most wholesome thing I'd ever seen. Ryan was silently eating a breadstick, while Draco managed to catch my eye.

The Lost Potter || Draco Malfoy [BOOK 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora