Chapter 14

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"What the hell do you want, Nott?" I asked, quickly taking a step back.

"Oh, nothing." Said Nott simply, taking another step towards me with his hands crossed. "I just thought this was the perfect opportunity since we're alone, you know?"

I was too scared to ask what the opportunity was.

"Leave me alone," I said.

"Or what? Is your little boyfriend Diggory gonna run to the rescue? Or your pathetic brother?" Asked Nott.

"I can handle myself just fine, thanks," I said with a glare. "I'm not afraid of you."

"Oh really?" Asked Nott. "What if I did—this."

He took a few steps forward and pressed his cold hand onto my cheek. I clenched my jaw shut, biting my lip to the point where it nearly drew blood. My hands were shaking, but I kept them behind my back so he wouldn't see them.

"Get off me," I said.

"How about now?" Asked Nott. Without any warning, he slammed my back against a tree and gripping onto the front of my shirt, right where my shoulders were. He stood on my toes so I couldn't move my feet, and our faces were a good six inches apart. I felt the rest of my body begin to visibly shake, and I could feel his cold breath against my face.

"I'm not fucking scared of you." I spat forcefully. "I'm surprised that you aren't out there with the Death Eaters, just like your father. Or maybe your mother perhaps?"

"How fucking dare you." He growled, spit flying out of his mouth. "Don't ever talk about my mother again." He gripped my shirt even tighter and slammed me back into the wall again, causing me to wince in pain.

"Too fucking late. What is she? A Death Eater? A con-artist? Or just a coward, like you? Greedy, evil, or just an asshole in general?" I said, the fake confidence radiating off of my voice.

Nott froze for a second in anger, his mouth slowly curling into an even bigger sneer. "My mother is dead, you fucking bitch. And you don't know me at all, or what I've been through."

"You're not special, Nott," I said, the anger in my mind beginning to build up. "Both of my parents died when I was one, and I was shipped off to another country, where I was treated like absolute shit. And am I a shitty person? No, I'm not."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, as his glare became harder and harder.

"I don't care what the fuck you've been through. Just because you've been through some crap doesn't make you a shitty person. That's you being a piece of shit human being and blaming it on the fact that you've had a rough life. Now, get the fuck off of me."

He didn't move a muscle, and I felt the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down my racing heart. I closed my eyes and tried to think of any way to get out of this situation.


"Okay Maya, Master Richards hasn't taught you this yet, so I'm going to. I feel like you'd need it, especially after what Delilah said earlier." Said Michael, pacing his living room as I sat peacefully on his couch.

It was the day that Delilah had embarrassed me in front of the entire cafeteria, and the same day that Michael had found me in that broom closet. Michael had asked me to hang out at his house after Karate, and I'd obviously said yes.

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